Explaining League of Legends in 3 Minutes or Less. This is the start of a new series I’m doing called “Explained in 3 Minutes.” Buckle your seat belts, because we are getting through this quick! Let me know what you think of the series idea in the comments! Also come check out my live stream on my other YouTube channel!
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Check out some of my other videos!
First Impressions on Animal Crossing New Horizons: https://youtu.be/mOi12hWLRTw
What is Risk of Rain 2 | Explained in 3 Minutes: https://youtu.be/kWKiM2Dc-6o
Twitch Tricks Nobody Talks About: https://youtu.be/g1PVvzhgBA0
Over The Ocean by | e s c p | https://escp-music.bandcamp.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Also, 1 mistake in the video: You start with 500 gold each game, not 0.
Wow, this video hit 10k views. Thanks everyone!
Overhead overwatch strategy?
Had 0 clue what this game was thanks
Came here out of curiosity because Arcane is amazing; left a like without going through the video because of the SFAM copy in the background. (and I'm sure the video will be good… a 4 minutes explanaition is what I wanted)
Ah so it’s dota
I like your video, thanks for explaining it for a noob like me.
One point of criticism though….. the background music is too much for me to handle. But this could just be me.
AMAZING. A complex game explained concisely in less than 3 minutes (with the odd replay) that even a Boomer could understand. Well done!
Honestly, thank you so much ❤❤❤
Everyone else is just yapping and offending ppl who play this game in their vids but don't really explain ish…
I know that complex stuff is hard to explain shortly without losing critical info but you I feel you did a great job ❤
Best explanation i heard im sending my friend this to learn (ik i became the destroyer of my friend life 😂)other explanations full of memes and hours to explain…
Solid video bro thankyou
i thought it was a good video… i was looking for an explanation of what league of legends was about and you explained it concisely… thanks.
you deserve WAY MORE subscribers btw!
thank you !! i get stuck on one game and will literally play the sh!t out of it for years …everyone tells me to play League and this video is exactly what i needed! thanks dude
Thank you, after searching for so many videos, you made one that explains it to my girlfriend without her losing interest. Hero!
Cool thanks! Oracle is using this to explain the game before we set up ML on the APIs. Was very helpful.
Great video
I am the gf on the side think wtf is this game at first
great video, helped a lot thank you.
i loved the video
good video, easy explanation for my girlfriend.
here from the tv show players
Perfectly explained. Your video really helped me to play thank you very much 💜😄
Damn that helped a lot thanks!
Love this dude 🙂
Great video, bro (watching from México)
Thank you, this cleared what this game is about very good
It was a great video! I should’ve watched this before a 20 min video that said the same thing;(
what a great video <3
This dude gonna be a big YouTuber
Thank you. Love from holland
Nice video
Thank you <3 I watch my friend compete and I wanted to get a better idea of what's happening lmao
so lets say hypothetically i dont have friends
Actually covered every aspect of the game! Awesome! I'll show it to friends who want to get into League. 🙂