Today’s episode of Why NO ONE Plays features Lissandra: The Ice Witch!
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#Lissandra #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays
bcs she moans every time she last hits a minon
at least, she's pretty good in Aram where her passive easily hits multiple enemies because they don't really have anywhere to run off to.. But yea I wish she was better in the actual game, she's long been one of my favorite characters but everytime I'm like "maybe it's a lissandra game" I just.. Sigh and pick something else because she's just not great
honestly, watching this years later healed my soul. As a liss main she really is such a good comfort pick, because the range of her abilities are all good, especially the cone of her q. But i would get why she is not popular due to her being required as much more of a utile champ rather than a "burst" mage, so its much more better for her as a roaming mid tank for more squishy laners like teemo or cait.
Liss is probably my favorite champ in the game . My only problem is her laning phase I feel she needs 50 more range on her q to make her great.
"When someone is very tanky but does a lot of damage, people would consider then overpowered"
4 seasons later…
ngl she is way stronger rn since defensive item give way more ap , im maybe even going to main her
Um… Vars?
This video still doesnt have auto subtitle
I dont normally comment though i understand why you did the video. That said, i always have loved her 🙂
Shes pretty good right now .
As you said, lissandra has to go in to deal damage, but if she goes, she doesn't have an escape tool, and also while her damage is good, most of the times her burst can't kill, you need your team to follow up, she's almost a glorified support like TF
I play Lissandra!
2 years later and Lissandra was finally given enough love to be played as a Mid Laner and Support on the Worlds stage. She quickly became my favorite champion to play after her passive rework.
I play Liss in low elo and nobody seems to know what she does. You get at least one free kill a game by being towerdived.
12:11 then comes ksantee😂
I think they should straight up make her a tank (Tank/Mage hybrid) although most Lis players would probably disagree which is fair. I just find the idea of a Tank-Mage very interesting.
Make her faster 😩 325 base movement speed hurts so much. Even 330 would be better. 335 would be maybe too generous.
I always hated assasins picked as adcs. But when i opened a world of support tanks for myself(i played rell), gosh, it was so statisfying. Like, magine picking niko supp and akali bot.
I was really hoping they would make her viable in the jungle. When they experiment with Morgana, Zyra, Yorik, and most recently Rell in jungle I keep hoping they would try Lissandra or Cassiopea in Jungle or make Liss botlane viable.
Just make her q longer, increase her base damage, and make her claw faster RIOT THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!
I watch this not for the meta, but for the history. I am interested in playing her again after a long time