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Discipline Priest has been receiving large reworks in Patch 11.1 and we break down what this means for Raids and Mythic+ going into Season 2 of The War Within.
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00:00 Intro
00:38 Recent Changes
04:34 Disc in Dungeons
08:31 Oracle
11:11 Disc in Raid
17:47 Final Thoughts
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Hey Jak i got a stupid question. I'm new to Disc/heal/priest. All together.
How do I get out of the root in arakara at the last boss besides using the fear? I have nowhere else I can ask. 😀
You made me heal. I love it. Thank you. <3
MW and Disc Feel good, wish the rest would be brought up to this level.
Is uppies buffed by speed? Like can we run over feather into uppies and hover faster?
oh thank god
Do u think what mistweaver dps/hps and no damage reducing at all can overcome disc's 2xPS shields and barrier? As we know so far they both has same hps, but monk has way more dps
Im really interested in ur opinion at this point
hey i love your vids, can you paste your talent for mythic+ in ptr?
what trinkets should we use in ptr?
being able to move during uppies will be a menace in pvp
Wasn't even gone tho. Ggs my rdruid sucks same as retail.
talents shown where
While in uppies mid air, which bonuses do we get? Are we untargetable for melee attacks/casts for example? Do we literally fly over ground effects untouched? Can it somehow work as cheese strat to avoid certain mechanics?
Thx in advance
I wish they would bring back shield disc and not this heal disc.
isnt Disc like the meta nowadays? wdym it's back?
Cries in resto shaman,, as always
Lets hope they are not as dominant as in season 1, its getting quite boring.
Void weaver = big time BARF.
I will never ever play void weaver. Ever
Hey man, do you use any WeakAura for tracking uptime on Tank Mitigation abilites? Such as Shield of the Righteous etc on the party frames when in dungeon?
jak here missing the chance to make a sated buff joke for his sponsor
even if will get 1000 buffs, for me this is not a fun healer.. I'm one who appreciates classic healers, aka Holy.. Disc needs a decent team to work perfectly ( this is the reason why BIG keys have Disc as a healer , cuz those guys know perfectly what they do ) , if you have people in your team who use their kicks and def cds only when they remember.. then it won't be fun at all and guess Whose fault is it in the opinion of the team ? Healer ofc 🙂 I've never been a fan of the healer with "ramp up"..
Incredible thumbnail
Disc is the most boring heal. Change my mind.
Interested in your weight-loss story
Yeah we're back baby! 😀
Was it ever gone?
Thannks for the video!
I'm not a fan of void tbh I feel like you have to plant and its just so punishing if you have to move. Been playing Oracle and I feel more free to move. Hope Blizz tunes it a touch more.
my man !
Disc is eating good… just like you can when you order factor
Will these changes help with disc in raid?
EDIT: Jak kind of went over it in his video, sorry I was impatient, but from the sounds of it Disc will still be doodoo in raids 🙁
* fingerscrossed* for holy!!!
so thankful for you my guy. Love your videos especially the disc ones 🙂
Thank you so much for the video Jak amazing as always
Won't convince me to reroll.
Rubbish…. so people were actually playing Holy on the PTR but bliz cant have that so once again Disc is back on top….rubbish. Disc have been meta for all of season 1… its holys turn.
Thank you.
Sounds so good. 😊
Between Disc and Mistweaver, I’m extremely excited to be healing more often as a main alt in Season 2.
Jack trying to spam me with real-life heals with factor, quit the RP. Lol
People like oracle because of the complexity of it.
At this point just delete holy or disc. We don't need 2 healing specs in a single class because they will always neglect 1. Which is almost always holy.
I get overwhelmed easily so all this seems awesome but I'm just worried how the play style will change. It feels like I am having to re-learn how to play disc every year due to talent changes. What is a disc ramp going to look like now without rapture?
What people think disc being meta means: It's the most overpowered highly tuned healer there is. Booo! Nerf disc!
What disc being meta actually means: It pairs really well with prot pally and enh shaman in organised groups.
Having no kick, no curse dispel, and the stamina of a Victorian orphan make disc genuinely challenging to pug with successfully. The only reason we get into groups easily is because people think they need a TGP team to get their 11 done.