Surprise! Blizzard, on a random Wednesday, told us their plans for housing. And they’re confident enough to drag their competitors. We’ve also learned of numerous improvements landing over the next year.
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00:00 The Player Housing Reveal
01:37 How Houses & Neighborhoods Work
06:46 Monetization
08:48 Numerous WoW Upgrades
09:59 New Community Features
Roleplayers are such cashcows, i know it since I am one myself. Good move on Blizzard hopefully.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for this.
I’m confused on what the point of having a house is when the point of the game is to explore the world. I don’t mind being a nomad in WoW. Always optimistic with what Blizzard puts out, like the addition of driving, just not seeing the point of this.
Can't believe im saying this, but….after not playing since a few weeks into Shadowlands….the housing might get me to dip my toes into WoW again. Really liked WoD housing and wish i could drop something into the Redridge mountains.
Get ready to pay 10$ for a chair and 25$ for a lamp in the in-game store. 😀
The FF shot is fair play. FF promoted heavily and grabbed a lot of WOW players when WOW was struggling in the Shadowlands. There were free campaigns frequently. Turnabout is always fair play.
im so buying my own neighborhood , having no neighbors and nobody is allowed to live near me lol
Blizzard should be looking at indie games like Enshrouded for player housing, it has the best and most beautiful build creation system of any game I've ever played by a mile.
Player housing is pointles other than for roleplay, in the game "Rise of the Ronin", you can put ob jects in your house and they provide buffs to your character extra crits, higher drop rate, more money dropped. Why don't they implement something like this to make non-roleplayers want to deck out their house?
It's a good time to be wow player.
Blizzard doing what they do best copy and improve others work.
Don't see the point of housing, once you have built it you'll go back to hanging about the AH in the city's.
I'd love if WoW implemented the eye and head tracking that FFXIV has. It really makes the characters feel more alive
Do WoW really think this housing system makes everything else bad gone? lol i switched not for the housing system to another game only xD, you even get an email for hey your house will be gone if you not gonna so something (and keep up Housing in FF is different i guess i want to see how WoW want to keep up servers where you can have a neighborhood or ppls just can run to your house. OR how many plots there are)
Imagine not being an Orc or a Troll and being forced to live in Durotar… 🙁
Quess I need to sub again once homes come out. Now we just need proximity voip and would also love "redone" chatting system that allows full chat bubbles appear on the edges of the screen with name of the speaker and this is just for say/yell. Whisper should also be renamed to direct message and add new whisper where you need to stand near the target and use /whisper (name) to whisper something for them and other players would see chat bubble with "…" or something similar. These changes would make huge improvements to the RPing in the game.
After that it would be cool to be able to actually set stores in own home where others can buy stuff, like anything you want to sell and is tradeable.
– Be a tailor or blacksmith and take in orders that have time limit for finishing
– Sell all kinds of goods that are tradeable as a general trader
– hire "staff" to handle the selling while you are away. Set rules of what orders and price the AI "staff" can take/sell/buy
– make all kinds of items useful and relevant again or make huge achievements that require collecting all kinds of artifacts (redo the artifact prof thingie so that you can buy stuff others have found and put tons of interesting vanity items/mounts/transmog into that prof
– allow players "queue" emotes into the sentences when using say/yell or new whisper. And add tons of more emotes into game. What I mean is that player can do something like /say Hello, it's a nice weather today [look up]. I hope I'll catch the damn turtle today [angry]."
– and many more different additions…
I know these are just for RP and "vanity" but to be honest, WoW has insanely well build world and interesting lore, engine that can be modified and updated, long history, already lots of possibilities for RP and so on so why keep repeating the same cycle of do a dungeon, get gear, do a raid, get gear and then just do same shit again but "harder". And lets be honest, when there was something new and interesting happening in dungeons/raiding? It's same shit since TBC.
So why not focus little bit to the vanity and RP side of the game? People love collecting stuff and showing it off + some love for RP servers would make them bloom again.
Guild housing would be a nice thing
WoW = modern technology? More like underlying spaghetti code. They will have something similar to garrisons with hot spots you can use to select decore. No actual furnishings we can rotate and use to create complex designs. It’s gonna be a gatcha store gimmick. Just wait. After Diablo Infinite I no longer trust Blizzard.
Player Housing is going to HURT wow. In game shop is going to be more and more a thing. I hate this. Mark my words, this is NOT good
Blizzard will abandon it after that xpac just like every other feature they hype.
Blizzard is 20 years too late with this feature and I deleted my account in 2021.
"Hello, uhhh Champion of Azeroth, Saviour of the Universe, Hero of the Horde/Alliance, your rents due"
Yep I'm up for Nordrassil housing instancied zone on top of the world !! Old Azeroth is ugly and dumb. Either they remake it whole, has to start from Quel Thalas and housing zones, but if not, as well take as much occasions as possible to create perfect HD panoramas like the rewambed Arathi BG, just to remind people that Vanilla-BC world is a ugly mess that doesn't deserve to be recognized as pure canon, and especially in scale as it fails to be plausible even in Chronicles.
Also if they really want to serve roleplayer, they should simply update our access to our own character's animations a bit and all the cool stuff NPC can already do like standing against a wall, sitting in any position, alternate walking cycles, etc.
i've personally always wanted a lodge in the Hinterlands or a hut in Nagrand.
Can't wait for this to underdeliver and everyone act surprised
Thanks man. Good video.
They didn't snipe anyone. They said a lot of words with nothing to show. You people are so moronic sometimes. Why does anyone believe Blizzard at face value, the ideas they're going with are still not what the majority wanted for housing at all.
I want ah, bank and portals for guild neighborhoods with customization options for the npcs!
I hope eventually my death knight can have a home that matches the whole dk aesthetic
I'm wondering if they took some notes from Palia. I love the decorating system in that game.
Lord of the Rings Online did this waaaaay before FFXIV – Square sniped LOTRO anyway.
2026 ???? wow,,,, to little, to late
They could have made Lumberjacking and Carpentry skills in the game
Lumberjacking could have say 12 "?" different kinds of lumber
Carpentry could make "magical" wood weapons/armour. Furniture etc…
Let the players make the housing items, not the ingame store for even more money !
I like the idea that the House is warband wide, but its also limiting. What if my main's House is not the aesthetic that another toon wants to be. I can't have a separate house for them. What if I want all my alliance toons in one house, or all my warlocks in a warlock themed house. I know this very well could change later on I'm sure.
I wonder what the TTP will be… 🤣
should be able to unlock world pvp in these zones haha just seeing people getting wreckd while designing their house lolll
Oh grow up 🤣 blizzard don't need to copy a dead game like FF