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Is This 11.1 Head Start Trick Worth It? Plunderstorm Ends Soon! This Week In Warcraft

With a Release Candidate build recently deployed it’s only a matter of time before we get an official release date for patch 11.1! In the meantime let’s see what there is to do this week including a tip that might end up feeling more like a slap to the face!

Swag stuff
Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

0:00 Intro
1:25 I’m here for the tip, buddy

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  1. Dont forget about the Renewed Proto-Drake: Love Armor mount customization that also drops, dont know if it works same as the newest mount drop chance of 1st toon of the day or legacy like the Love rocket.

  2. I still haven’t received that Hero track item from Plunderstorm. I’ve earned well over 5k Plunder (even after the reward went live) and checked every single character of mine’s mail/inventories just in case.

  3. Imagine what a Class Renown system would look like 😍

    ○ Unique class UIs
    ○ Class ensambles themed after spec/hero talents.
    ○ Artifact weapon skins and weapon illusions.
    ○ Dye system for future Renown sets and color schemes that match specializations.
    ○ An improved glyph system
    ○ Barber shop customizations
    ○ Customizable class mounts
    ○ House decor

    It would alter the way the game looks and feels to play without adding unnecessary player power. I feel customizable class mounts would hit harder than the devle ones. Just imagining a Dragon aspect form for a Mage with a cool summon animation or a flying metamorphosis form for Demon Hunter would be so amazing! Then, being able to customize it to match your spec as well as match your transmog!!!! Blizzard plzzzzz!

  4. newly dinged 80's, do not collect / trun in all the main hub vendor turn in's for the crests and valor stones till season 2, i have 3 freshly dinged 80's that I am saving collecting all the main hub quests, making a considerable boost to valor stones and crests for them. just an idea some people may not have thought about, as we still have a few weeks some players may still ding some more alt's.

  5. Of course it isn't a trick that will work. You just announced it to everyone. And since Blizzard watchs your stuff among other popular streamers, that means it will be nerfed before patch is releashed. So good job telling everyone about this secret…🤬😡

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