My first-ever dungeon run in WoW Classic… and it went horribly wrong! From scuffed pulls to absolute chaos, this group had no idea what they were doing (including me). Somehow, we made it through—with plenty of hilarious moments along the way. Watch the madness unfold, and don’t forget to like and subscribe for more WoW Classic adventures!
#WoWClassic #WorldOfWarcraft #WoWClassicDungeon #MMORPG #gaming
Hover over items, looks at stats usually for casters like warlocks you need intellect/spirit, and use cloth armor. If item has these and better than yours you can click need, otherwise just hit greed for more gold. Also summon your imp and try to use skills only your melee attacks are not really good
The imp runs out of mana too, thats why he stops attacking
Get your imp out sir 🙂
Sorry for the posting again, first one got taken down idk why lol