Lanterns in World of Warcraft | Pointless Top 10
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1200 for revamp zg mount
2:12 not sure what type of tree exactly they're meant to be, but I know they're meant to be just driftwood in general, driftwood gets dried and rehydrated a lot, so it gets this sunbleached, cracked look.
I am once more asking for top 10 wallpapers (especially goblin buildings and inns) 🙏
The thing you put the incense in is called a censer!
I also had the most attempts farming the blue protodragon. I had many of my characters parked right infront of the dungeon (around 9 chars) and I got mine after a few months so it was probably over 500 attempts sooo… have fun xD
How about top 10 garbage piles or piles of garbage
500 for blue proto? Ooof that some bad luck streak. Think the highest I got to was like just above 350 for Invincible
My favorite lantern is the one on the Kul Tiran Charger, I love how it bounces and how the embers fly out
Regarding #2 at 8:41: "Tōrō nagashi (灯籠流し or 灯篭流し) is a ceremony in which participants float paper lanterns down a river; tōrō is the Japanese word for "lantern," while nagashi means "cruise" or "flow." This activity is traditionally performed on the final evening of the Bon Festival in the belief that it will help to guide the souls of the departed to the spirit world." – wikipedia
Onyxia took me 416 tries over 3 chars
Most farmed: blue proto drake also! Over 200 runs. I got it from Quantum Courser drop in dawn of the infinite. Go figure.
4:45 I did some research and lantern globes are defined as "cylindrical glass shields" that surround the lantern's light source.
To answer your question, I reckon the metallic part of the lantern would just be called the "frame", or perhaps even "torch" as it resembles viking torches, which just screams Vrykul 😛
I am over 1000 runs for blue proto drake… and I have 6000(ish) timewalking boss kills for infinite time reaver
Currently farming for the blue proto drake mount myself, no clue how many attempts I've got on that. If you didn't know you don't have to kill first 2 bosses and can stealth through to the boss that drops it 😄
man I love this series so much
also fun fact: the Gilneas lanterns have physics so you can run into them with your character and see them sway around on their chains
I had 3 runs for the blue proto drake 😛
160 something runs of strat dead to get Rivendare's Deathcharger
the metal "lanterns" without glass are probably brazier
Pandaria’s lantern game is strong.
Crendor's a liar!
People actually pay attention to the numbers? Other than 1 usually being a Crendor favourite I always just treated the other numbers as basically the same.
Grats on the 500k subs! I farmed the Hopecrusher Gorgon for 6 months on eight toons, every day. Just got yesterday. Im still farming that damn Arachnoid Harvester on Mechagon. I've done it off an on since BFA came out.
I love when Crendor makes the rants when he's expecting disagreements and he's just like "I DO WHAT I WANT ITS MY LIST" thats right buddy, its your list, you own it <3
The tortolan lanterns look like bulbs full of bioluminescent algae, with some water to keep it alive for awhile. The aquatic equivalent of a jarful of fireflies.
The night elf lanterns looking like tiny houses are (at least to me) little cozy domiciles for wisps. Kind of like the stone lanterns in shinto temple gardens that are homes for the kami.
i hope previous assets like these will be available in player housing
Enjoyed this list more than I expected too, I hope some of these lanterns are available for our housing. Especially those tortollion ones. Here's one to get your blood boiling, Crendor. On my very first attempt at solo'ing Mythic Jaina, I got the Water Elemental mount xP
oh dang, this video is still crendor fresh! i love seeing videos within hours of their release!
Lantern is such a strange word. Lantern. Lantern. Lantern.
I really like the DF lanterns, because the hanging jewels are colored for each of the five flights. Really nice touch.
Maybe with Undermine coming soon you could do top ten contraptions/machines. Like all the goblin, gnome, ethereal, draenei, engineer, etc stuff
Not quite that high, however Dragon Soul and my rarity addon are laughing at me and my 175 attempts so far trying to get Experiment 12-B and the Blazing Drake
14000+ fishing attempts for the pond nettle in Argus. I got it though.
You can arrange your videos however you want, as long as fish lantern is #1
You will never take my jars of fireflies from me!
Don't know the exact number but I farmed Invincible for 7 years, every week, on 14 characters. I got so burnt out and disappointed that I stopped farming it for 'realsies'. I still go in every once in a while, but only on like a character or two, and only like once a month
That damn celestial cloud serpent thing from MoP, I dont know how many times. The only reason I played MoP Remix was to get that mount. I main BM Hunter and wanted matching pets and mount. I got it and tried out the combo and was disappointed. The pets were buggy, and the animation seemed a bit off.
The blue proto-drake is the mount that took me the most attempts to get, I got it after 578 attempts (not counting the love rocket in which I'm at 634 and counting)
Fanfuckingtastic! Thanks Crendor 👍🏼
TEAK. (The wood)
My favorite in this list is the lanterns we made along the way.
Forgive me if you’ve already made a video like this, but I’d love to see the process you go through to make these lists, wether it’s a first come first serve basis, a “oh this is cooler than this one so it gets knocked off the list” vibe, or a trawl through the wow game files looking at specific items like “Lantern” or “chimney”. I just think a dive into the process would be neat ✨ (also beautiful video as always! ❤️❤️)
Top 10 unconventional light sources?
Week 1 asking for Top 10 Boats/Ships
most of the hanging lanterns that you show that are just open flames in a metal cage are considered hanging braziers and the glass that surrounds a candle is called a shade
A lot of these are technically hanging Braziers, not lanterns :3
Never ceases to amaze me the things you come up with to rank. Love it all.
im here for lantern lore
Pretty sure several of these don't classify as lanterns, like the hanging braziers
still killing onyxia 2x per week since WOTLK classic … still no sign of any drop. loving the top 10s! keep it up 🙂 they help me fall asleep on phone