The War Within Season 2, Patch 11.1 – Mythic Raid DPS PTR Results.
We’re taking a look at the dozen or so Mythic Bosses tested in the PTR, looking at the performance of the DPS, their average damage as well as their overall results so far.
Who’s on top? Who’s looking in need of help? The surprises?
00:00 Intro
01:13 DPS Spreadsheets
02:28 Sprocketmonger
03:40 Cauldron of Carnage
05:38 Mug’Zee
06:55 One Armed Bandit
08:26 Bunkjunker
09:50 Rik Reverb
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Looks good, besides like bottom quarter. They are so far behind it's kinda crazy. Good to see though that mostly everything is viable
* Seeing feral rank * Ah shit… Here we go again
get ready for another enhance/aug season
All the damage being about 10% less than current mythic raid damage even after accounting for finery buff, PTR gear scaling, and lots of buff at the start of ptr for many classes is disturbing.
These set bonuses are clearly worthless.
Blizzard's balancing team is such a joke.
Please, link to document
So melee is still going through thorns. 🤔
Damn elemental shaman fell from grace after losing the spymaster trinket in S2 lol.
Haha. NGL. At first I thought you had gotten some kind of Rick James perm.
Outlaw still having a target hardcap instead of a softcap like Enhancer-Shaman sucks.
As a WW main please don't give me false hope.
Cool so shadow is good in raid and trash in keys, neat
I don't think I've seen a less hyped season at this point.
wow! what a new stuff the same specs been top dps nothing new another season with a shitty balanced and forget specs as always, but u know what? buff and rework again the retri pallas.
why would you not link the document
wtf is that bm hunter damage lol
Please link the google doc spreadsheet
Zero changes to rogues because they are perfect
What a surprise, another range friendly season.
That discrepancy is unacceptable and a failure on Blizzards end, those dps measures assuming all things equal as skill of the player should be MUCH closer.
weird how BM doesn't seem that good on live, but it's near the top on PTR, did they change something? I might roll a BM if they are going to be decent
Go go shadow priest!! It's your time to shine! Or at least to darkly dark… darkly.
What the hell is the squeeking I keep hearing from your videos?
Why is BM always broken af in ST every ptr…
Warlock devs do not exist error 404, jesus crist look at the affliction warlock.
so affliction is actualy doing less damage with higher gear and the new teir set then they are doing on live, kinda insane how blizzard does everything humanly possible to kill this spec so muhc that they can actualy delete it as soon as possible and remove it from the game 😛