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#gamer #game #worldofwarcraft #tyler1 #onlyfangs #grubby
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#gamer #game #worldofwarcraft #tyler1 #onlyfangs #grubby
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Tyler1 improving fast. He deserves respect.
Don't let Grubby nice guy vibes fool you. Every good WC3 player is a bully.
Considering how TeeTee talks to new LoL players I really have no sympathy.
To be true. Grubby cringed right were I did. I used to play semi-pro wc3 in 2014-16. The habbit you have to get, of mechanically making 200-300 apm is takes years.
honestly, this is terrible coaching… Tyler needs to learn the essentials which includes timing ond strategies of other races as well as basic gameplay….. Not bitching about his buildings half a sec too late…. I think grunt builds are also easier for a newcomer…
Solid content, t1 needs to accept grubby is the man. Peace and love
Damn grubby is so mean
Tylers volume is hella loud.. yet Grubbys is super low
These two together can accomplish anything.
Its funny T1 doesn't have a clue what real games are, nor does he knows what is to go against a medium to bad player. Let me tell you this, as soon as you start playing against others you will realize y they quit. For example, in this video at the start of it in a fight you lost pretty much all your headhunters against the NElf, if that happens just they way it did and i was the Nelf, i would just rush to ur base and tower rush you, that would be the the end of it. You lost too many units to fight me back, and you won't produce as many to hold the tower rush, your just done. People that understand and have a solid notion of this game will adapt and counter you with very different styles n strategies.
Sometimes your mistakes can be so huge that is better to just quit.
i still will never stand how you play a RTS for 15+ years with no updates or changes…
how us this related to onlyfangs?
No one cares abt this trash content.
it'd be interesting to see if Tyler gives DOTA 2 another shot in the future and notices the similarities with WC3
Grubby x Tyler arc is everything I wanted
lol does he not understand that early mistakes compound in an RTS?
grubby coaching t1 to defeat happy
I’ve been an avid T1 fan since 2014, watched him through all his phases and this by FAR, (it’s not even close) has been the healthiest thing Tyler has started doing, his intro into WoW introduced him to tons of people and quite frankly it’s easy to tell he doesn’t want to go back to league, he has done everything he can to find content other than league and he is loving it, he is happier throughout his streams, his demeanor is overall more positive AND you can’t discount the effects of being social with lots of people on a regular basis.
I can't stop laughing how T1 calls a hero "Champion" xD
Out of all stuff he could play lol 😅
Seems too high Skill.
In my opinion, he should start with Control grouping
Basic controls skills:
Shortcut keys(building + skills)
Start up move order(how many peons at what, and how many buidings at when)
Item drops
Crt +1 sets the group
Shift + 1 adds unit to group
Advance skills:
Trapping units
Unit blocking
Idk what else.
Oh wait he did go through this. 😮
These two are match made in Olympus
Night elf is the easiest computer imo. Not saying that the insane computer is tough. Ah I see he hates thorns aura lmao 😂
Tyler1 is so bad at gaming, good thing the modern gamers only need someone screaming at a monitor for them to be "entertained" otherwise this clown wouldn't have a job.
RTS games are different. I played a lot of SC: Brood War. I mained Zerg with 300-400 APM. RTS games takes years to create good habits with hotkeys, micro/macro play with multiple units and buildings. Tyler will never ever win one match against grubby unless grubby wants to accept a severe handicap from T1.
Man. This is like Goku and Master Roshi. But soon Goku will find out about Sayan Prince Lyn and Frieza-Fortitude. And then epic saga of Cell-Happy begins.
Grubby is 2.4k mmr on WC3(Sweat Ladder) I'm 1k mmr there on my best day. T1's slowness is cringe to to a 700 mmr player. If a 700 player studies me and tries hard they might be able to pick 1 map off of me in 5, just like I'd have to work REALLY hard to pickup a map from a 1.3k player and would need to study and counter them specifically. Even that's very optimistic. You win matches agains 100mmr higher, sometime 200. You dont really win matches against someone with 300 more mmr, it's just going to be brutal and fast, again and again. 1.3k is actually the average on W3C, and starting mmr is 1500. T1 is going to have to jump several leagues just to not be a joke to Grubby's worst students at the very bottom of the ladder.
This is the one Ive been looking for !
5:04 jumpscare
Love the grubby t1 arc
great video