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How to ESCAPE LOW ELO – League of Legends


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  1. Bro you can say whatever , but thing is why these people keep playing ranked mode???? Just why in the fucking hell you play ranked and keep doing the same mistakes even worst , why not draft to learn more or whatever i m pissed off .

  2. Bold of you to assume my teammates are gonna capitalize on my split push. They are likely going to start rotating from top all the way to bot to "help" me instead of taking the towers there or pushing there.

  3. I recently watched a grandmaster play a smurf from Iron and he struggled hard to leave low elo.
    Low elo hell is real no matter what a lot of people say.

  4. thats first bit is literally what i experience every game but the only difference is that im winning my lane I even try and split push and do what u say u cant win when the team mega feeds them where even when ur fed u get fucked

  5. I get tired of no one else using their wards, wanting to team fight every two seconds while we all lose out on gold as we lose, and going to get dragons with low HP, thinking they will steal it yet die. Then, people are asses because I don't want to ruin my stats over their stupidity.

  6. man screw this game. i got 10 games in a row with nautilus support where i dealt almost the same damage than all my teammates together. yet they accuse me of stealing kills.

  7. Things like previous videos saying that if you get kill by split pushing the mistake wasn’t that you split push the mistake was that you didn’t do it quick enough were so helpful to me, just push a wave rotate or way till enemies show in the map and then once your sure no one waiting to kill you go annoy them again I might actually hit plat quite soon again

  8. How ever all the tips are normally useful tho, I started to watch this videos and I was in silver 2( I was plat last season but this one I struggle) so I saw many times my team doing bad plays and I just split pushed (I’m ad carry tho so even harder). But I have climb my way up to gold 1 cause even if my whole team has died in a bad play enemy can’t finish if they don’t have a wave

  9. doesnt work if you can't beat anyone in their team 1v1 or if they always send at least 2 and your teammates don't create pressure somewhere else. which is 90% of silver games

  10. What do i do if i am viego 3 2 134 cs in minute 23 my attox is 0 9 0 my adc is flamminh my cause i didnt dive 1 vs 3 bot tower whiles 1 hp an we ff 24 min cause all 4 other players press yes whilest i am saying no cause i have an 2,5 k gold lead on there jng

  11. excuse me if i say that, but its total bullshit, no1 can win games like this on their own specially when the enemy team are all good, and infact happens alot, by the time you farming gold the game is finished, let alone 2 afk temmates

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