In this video we cover Devastation Evoker and how Flameshaper and Scalecommander are stacking up. OPEN FOR MORE INFO↧↧↧
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Flameshaper guide was delayed by rapid changes to ptr but its a good thing since it's allowed for more time to look into the hero talents. 11.1 guide will just be for Evoker as a whole since Flameshaper only seems viable in Single Target.
Can evoker devastation be main spec for use this patch?
Cant wait for mage guides hehe
I was testing in the PTR and I think that the Focusing Iris and Arcane Vigor talents also affect the Shattering Star of the tier set. Is this still the same or did they fix it or is it supposed to work like this? Also , TY for the Devoker state video .
Love the thumbnail lol
At a minimum Engulf needs to be a guaranteed crit like lava burst/chaos bolt. They could also do something like make it hit 2 more mobs within 25yds of the target for reduced dmg and not trigger Consume Flame, or maybe Consume Flame could have some crazy high scaling if it only hits 3 or less mobs. Idk, it really needs something to compete with mass disintegrate because that 1 button has so much power. And to me it doesn't feel like it would take much effort to put some decent changes into Dev, but idk they just don't seem to care much. Buffs are great but don't fix underlying issues
I hope they add obsidian shard as a talent same as preser got life spark or augment got
Can't wait for the guide dude!
Thanks for info.
Yeah…don’t care about raid lol how is flameshaper in m+?
People keeping dev out of m+ for not being aug is laughable unless youre pushing title
Finally a video about evoker dps <3