My patreon – where you can find a ton of exploits too hot for youtube, including many gold-making tricks. – Me on blue sky, I post more minor fun exploits here.
This video is about the recent controversy surrounding the banning of thousands of accounts of twink players.
There is one exploit they can track and that’s when they see your level 10 or 11 player with a trinket from Shadowlands that’s 300% more powerful than it should be.
One problem is people making Twinks are getting a certain trinket from Shadowlands using an exploit to make that trinket 300% more powerful and we all know how wow feels about people exploding like going to Arias, of the map where you’re not supposed to be able to reach.
This is a simple fix , very simple , if you turn off your XP, you can no longer queue for LFD or TW.. problem fixed and you don’t have to ban anybody. & people who still wanna Twink can join a custom party with their actual friends and manually enter dungeons.
I have always said that the twinkling community, which I am a part of, is hanging on by a thread. It is relying on the allowance of developers that over time are not going to be working at the company anymore. Which is happening now. There is nothing in the rules that allows twinking explicitly. The only thing we have are the in game npcs but that is not going to be a solid argument when a new guy is looking at the logs and sees us breaking the game without understanding how it works. Just as when a new player sees us in a dungeon and thinks that we are exploiting. We cannot expect cs agents to have more understanding of the game's mechanics than the average dungeon noob and that is the problem.
I used PvE twinks for ages when I played WoW, going all the way back to original BC. during Dragonflight I actually locked a few characters just below 60 so I could keep running the classic world dungeons as I like them better. I've never been on the end of a suspension for it, though I never used exploits.
Me and my buddies would rotate lvl 11 warriors to power lvl each other up in timewalking. I don’t like this change but get it
😂 classic blizzard. Fun detected, fun banned.
So playing the game the way it’s intended with things they implemented = ban ? Thats just insane
I ran into a twink on a recent alt that was super cool. Let me stay in the timewalking all the way to 80 completely afk. He jokingly said “just remember to pay me” or something jokingly in the middle of the runs and after I dinged 80 and actually gave him 30k, first twink I have ever met that wasn’t a dick it was refreshing.
Blizz-bot says no fun. Deny all appeals. Deny! Deny! Deny!
Just more of the Blizz fun police BS.
arch, if you're going to advise people on what to do to not get banned, give accurate info
don't use the boosting macro (biggest reasons for bans tbh, not AvG pLaY tImE)
don't glitch in to MT (no duh)
don't use the map breaking dungeon skips
don't use weak aura to press multiple buttons at once (especially across multiple accounts)
average playtime is not a factor in this last banwave, idk who told you that, but that's just not correct
Retail is complete clusterf*ck mess so why bother
I saw the thumbnail and thought this was going to affect me way more than I thought it would
you can get any one baned from wow .as long as there a lot of you.i find this desturbing.gang mentality
I feel bad the people at Blizzard who liked games left and all we have left is wannabe communists, feminists, LGBTOUCHYOURKIDS people, and a hatred for all the customers.
i call bullshit
What's this conspiracy shit its players in the group who do not understand how twinking works right clicking and reporting conspiracy solved.
Remember to tip those level 11 twinks that help u complete the weekly time walking event. MVP’s
I remember discovering how to bypass the exp lock for your pre-made group, in order to boost a player.
The way it was (easy mode) was to queue the full group with an alt account, who had the leader of the group, then, joining and finishing the dungeon. After that, that leader of the group should leave instance group and kick the twink from the "regular group".
Then, the twink was in the premade group (instance group) but not in the regular group. After doing so, the twink could queue lfg forever with the "boosted player" without any xp restrictions for long sessions.
Now, I've done that several times for my own enjoyment, but I did recognize some economy potential there, so I did not exploit it too much because I knew it was a 100% ban if investigated.
I expect that most people who got a ban did too discover the same or similar way to bypass that exp restriction, so the trigger was easy to track.
I'd almost bet money in the fact that most banned twinks did queue more than 20 dungeons with at least a same character, or 3 characters (never >3), in the same faction, with the condition of only being in group for one dungeon, and afterwards, out of the regular group.
It must be easy to track and easier to flag with an automated system.
There are other things that could be considered exploits, such as swapping timewalking to get full value of the ooze trinket and so on.
Anyway, banning twinks is a d!ck move by blizzard, they do no harm to the game (which is oriented for high level end game). Blizzard should put more attention to gold exploits via twinking (timewalking) instead. Anyway, I'm not surprised.
Luckly I haven't logged in few months, I would've been caught in that banwave lol.
I will dance on Blizzards grave. They went comatose back in 2010 anyway.
Took a long hiatus from WoW and checking out your video. Thank you Archvaldor for having such a consistently good channel over the years. You still explain the topic very well and your narration is always great to hear. Cheers
Last time i was on my 70 twink rogue that got reduced to 27 they had made the War glaives un-equip able cause i was not a high enough level. All Twink activities should be supported by the community and make pvp great again.
this is basically people telling how other people to play the game and complaining to blizzard about it. Twinking has always been a thing. I get why people are frustrated but if someone wants to play at a low level and gear up a low level. Who are you tell someone how to play the game.
Bruh… blizz…
I can understand bots. Cheaters.
Blizzard has zero concept of how players actually play. Twinking is not a big deal. Those who are running to report crying like little bitches need to go play Hello Kitty Adventure Island.
the twinks are being banned cuz theyr being Dicks, sure most of what you said here is accurate, but the twinks are acting like dicks in dungeons, timewalking especially, so they get reported, and surprise surprise, they then complain when their banned, this is just the consequences of their actions. the hate runs deeeeeeeeep.
Have been reading a lot of reports of this on the US forums also. We're in (almost) between seasons, not sure people have much else to do either.
banned at 12 years is unimaginable
uh why give an option to turn off xp if youre gonna ban people for it?
i have twinked since BC. the endless exploits have always been an issue, but the feel of the game the last few xpacs is different. the scaling issue makes 19s unplayable. it has gotten so bad that what used to be 5 min queue becomes an hour as often as not. people dont pay to be farmed by superdruidstealthassassin, or unkillablepriest. the behaviour is what causes reports. imo the killfarming in mid with unkillable twinks should be a bannable offense, and it shouldnt be up to AI stupidity, but by the player reports on BOTH sides. we the players can police ourselves if we have the tools with which to do so. BGs are a contact sport, if you arent twinking, you arent "gearing for the activity". qq over twinks is like qq over top tier raids. if youre no good, you dont get a cookie
Archvaldor W, Love the videos, love/appreciate the explanations
It's about time! A fckng ENDLESS stream of losers that DO NOT help. Every now and then you get a good one that is in the groove and understands that other people are there leveling and have different goals. Lately it has just been a show of pure @$$holery by complete jerks – and I'm up for rolling with just about anyone! I have zero regrets in seeing these oafs get booted permanently!
probably newbies reporting for cheating or someting like that
Blizz chose to introduce a level freeze mechanic so that people could maximize their characters at certain level brackets. Banning people for utilizing a known and purposefully added mechanic is not the same as exploiting bugs that were not meant to be in the game
How is this a big deal when auto loot has been broken since the war within started?