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Midnight is literally going to be the craziest expansion we had ever gotten in all of WoW history. Despite us being attacked every 2 years the Void Lord invasion and the awakening of Azeroth is literally the biggest danger Azeroth was ever in, we are talking like we are going to be witness the first ordering of Azeroth type danger. We will see literal void lords, the light army and the final battle of these 2 forces that have been battling each other since the universe was born. We will see a massive revamp, amani trolls, elven reunions, possible faction war, the literal return of the titans. Best of all even crazier things have been going on behind the scenes in terms of the developers and based on recent interviews its almost certain that Midnight and the Last titan are really picking up where the story left off back in Legion, the sword, Sargeras, Illidan and everything. So let’s look at everything we know about this massive upcoming wow expansion that will be announced in less than 6 months.
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Doron, hear me out bro. I’m so excited about the revamped silver moon. But if the horde Blood elf get a new capital. Shouldn’t the Night Elves get a new Capital? Have you heard anything about the great tree being moved from the emerald dream into the regular world?
Wod was still 100x better than Shadowlands or dragonflight.
All these people who thought they could do better putting their own flare into his story have only run it into the ground.
Hollywood is filled with fakes looking to put their spin on someone else's story, look at the boarderlands movie or the halo tv show.
People are right though, we've heard "WoW is so back" for every expansion and patch, people are getting that "cried wolf" feeling from the phrase now.
To many versions of wow made me quit all together. Hard pass on this.
"Old wow is back"… sooner my grandmom whos dead for 19y will be back… bLizzard is THE biggest WoW enemy right now
If they want to have the Army of the Light be relevant, they shouldn't have let Illidan edgelord their Naaru leader to death in Legion.
Honestly the thing im looking forward to the most is just seeing those old zones all updated and expanded. Plus player housing. 😅
lol It's gonna be shit just like everything retail ships out
Old wow IS back, its called classic realms.
im not holding my breath. WoW has been on a decline with turning it from a dark fantasy to a cute/homosexual/feminist cringe story. Not interested in buying for the first time a collectors edition. will not add my finances to a game that had fundamentally become part of the DEI/woke pile and its sad. its like watching a friend die from drug addiction and waste away.
BFA and shadowlands were filler expansions 😂
Although I don't care that much about the story, I'm sure with Metzen back it will improve in the next 2 expansions. With that being said if the next 2 expansions are just "new zone, new dungeon, new raid" with nothing new or innovative I think it will be over for me.
I've played WoW for a long time and stuck with it at its worst times but the last couple of expansions just left me soo bored and jaded. I really do hope Midnight will be "the BIGGEST expansion ever" but if there's nothing new other than a paint job I have serious doubts it will.
lol such a lie, old wow is never coming back activision made sure of that
I'll believe it when I see it at launch.
Bro the Copium… 🙄
will we find out soon enough in nightfall.
Hopefully metzen is actually doing most of the writing for classic+ and simply consulting on midnight.
Talk of 'Old WoW' makes me yearn for a return to the open-ended mysteries of the lore and a faction conflict that doesn't suck. Vanilla content was a world full of nooks and crannies rather than a lazy train ride. It made you feel small in a huge place. But most importantly, the developers weren't doing so much hand-holding to ensure that the impatient goldfish-brained players could finish the content in between huffs of paint thinner. Retail WoW is too damn fast-paced, cluttered, and riddled with quest markers. It almost punishes you for stopping to read the text, since the NPCs are often scripted to wander off halfway through and continue their cutscene. So you get into the habit of clicking through it all and next thing you know you've finished all the quest chain for the whole zone and don't remember any of it.
"Old WoW Is BACK!"
Old WoW wasn't woke bullshit….it's never coming back.
I think I will pass thanks
Biggest this biggest that. Why people still trust current wow team? Don’t trust any word until we have the real thing. Stop bring fake hype and fake hope please.
id like to see guilds to become important again. kinda like throne and liberty style.
The BFA and shadowlands stories were not Metzen at all and we should pretend that they didn't happen.
BIGGEST EXPANSION YET!! Said every expansion before……..
Does this mean leveling will takes weeks?
It is unknown if there is also Light Void Nephalem who can defeat the Void with both combined angelic holy light and demonic unholy void magic powers as light angel shadow demon half breed hybrid while they can transform into their angel forms with light powers, void demon form with void powers, and light void angel demon form with both light and void powers, while they will be similar to Nephalem from Diablo, and while creators and parents of the light void nephalem will be similar to the creators and parents of the nephalem and sanctuary Inarius and Lilith.
Yeaaaah, I’m going to wait and see.
Jesus another 50 dollars to be let down😂 if the first time is shame on you, and second is shame on me! What’s the… let’s see… Shadowlands, Dragonflight… TWW, and Then Midnight.. who’s left to shame?😂
Dude. Please Stop it! Whenever new patch drops you say the same thing for everypatch and hypes us. But the game is literally dogshit at this point. Its not about the game actually its about the blizzard. Even Diablo4 is going to be the biggest dissapointment. I know you got your videos from wow and all but. Please dont play with our emotions anymore..
Devs are hopeless and they mirror it on their games..
Old wow is back? No, people dont want it sadly. They want to AoE unicorn puke at hyper speeds collecting 500 mounts every month.
will void lords finally return as main antagonists of midnight.
will alleria become main protagonist of midnight.
I'm stoked for the world revamp and housing!
only way old wow is back is if raids are for fun and only 1 difficulty if they go back on the leveling changes and actually make it take atleast a month to hit max level so UNTILL the adventure and RPG elements are back in the game it will never be old wow and will ONLY every be a modified legion xpac with bloated endgame mechanics
0:33 what anime is that?
So essentially Shadowlands and Dragonflight never happened since Metzen wasn’t on board. Now that he is back, we pick up the story from Legion onward
Gotten to the point I won't believe it until …. growing cold to the game over time. Unless it's completely re-vamped, brought up to date graphical, wow' becoming dull.
Hear me out… Dalaran. But back in the ground.
You need to stop using “literally” so much. Over 5 in 40 seconds. None of it was literal either lol
The magic will never be back for me, seems like their relying heavy on nostalgia by revamping Quel'Thalas and going back to Northrend. idk gotta have to wait for the reviews. I don't trust Microsoft/Blizzard gone are the days of me buying the new expansion on launch
When I see such titles, I always finish them with "… Blizzard wants us to believe."
I, personally, want to have more Harronir lore.
Retcon the shadow lands after Azeroth has been freed from outside influences. Then life & death could return to a more natural planar state