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How Group Loot Changed Raiding In World of Warcraft

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  1. My guild does a weird sort of honor rules system where you can roll on basically whatever you want, but only win 1 piece of tier and 1 piece of non-tier gear per week. After that you can greed on whatever you want, and there's generally been a pretty good chance of getting something from greed rolls because a lot of people like to save their need rolls for the big ticket items. The only thing our raid lead/officers have direct say on is profession recipes so they go to guild crafters(prioritizing anyone who was actually in the raid where it dropped) who can make the best use of them for the whole guild's benefit. It's the best way we've found to sort of spread out the loot evenly, give everyone in the raid some level of control over what they want, and avoid any "favoritism" loot drama. The main drawback is it's kind of a pain to keep track of if someone keeps rolling need after they've won something for the week but it's only actually become an issue once in my entire time with this guild. Ultimately I much prefer it over personal loot.

    We only do AotC though and everyone's pretty chill about loot in general, so idk how much mileage any other guild might get out of doing it this way.

  2. That has literally happened to me, rolled on a trinket on my warrior and was asked to give it to the raid leader and I said no they instantly kicked me lmao I was top dps for the majority of the fights on that heroic pug

  3. Something that Max didn't really go into here is how big the issue of group loot dropping unwanted items is. I've seen posts from guilds with 1 hunter in their raid and the boss drops 2 ranged weapons. I've heard personal isn't perfect either, but at least you don't get more items dropping than classes who can use it.

    I don't get why it isn't an option either. Timewalking raids use personal loot and it works fine there.

  4. Too many pugs across difficulties needing on gear they don’t need and won’t use. And it’s always those non-verbal, low performers, or gigachads who feel bigger when they inconvenience others.

    Then you call them out, and not much happens of it. Sometimes the lead or assist set things right, sometimes they boot them altogether but it happens too often.

    The enforcement of rules and norms used to be neigh-universal across the community. There was a code, socialized to players through their experiences on the game. The fabric of that community was torn to shreds at some point, don’t know when, but now it’s every person for themselves.

    HoW dO u KNoW iTs NoT aN uPGrADe troglodytes can suck it too.

  5. the only time I seen ppl g et kicked after they "won" loot is when they are legit sandbagging on dps/healing and ppl dont wanna carry them on the fights. I have NEVER seen a player pulling his weight getting kicked just for winning an item.

  6. A great example of why the RWF and game mechanics being designed around them is making the game shit for a lot of people. But hey ho. The only people blozz hear are the streamers who play for 2 months then fuck off till next teir.

  7. i hate group loot, my guild doesnt giv gear to tanks and it feels turbo bad, knowing, not thinking, knowing you will full clear the raid everyweek, and get locked out, and will recieve nothing for it. Fucking terrible…

  8. Loot politics is a thing i can understand people not liking nor wanting to deal with on any level.
    I have been in guilds with dkp systems, but also a rule in place that 1-2 tanks would have "prio" on loot to get to a certain point, and the tank just payed very little dkp for it, and hence in other scenarios was in a favorable situation to win when bidding against others.
    I myself was holy priest back in the good old days, and i was moonlighting as shadow, more or less changing spec depending on our comp and boss, but i also had to gear for both, with the same pool of dkp others where only buying for 1 spec, which lets to some frustration on my side since i was bidding against either other healers or other dps that had the same time in raids, but only had 1 spec to gear for.
    And the worst offender was the hunter loot council in 1 guild (this is back around vanilla days mind you), where the hunters made a loot cabal where they "fixed" dkp prices for items that only hunters wanted, to put them in better spot when bidding against other classes.

    Loot is and will probably always be the number 1 contenter to friction between people 🙁

  9. The big difference between group loot and personal loot is that the sequence of rolls are reversed. With personal loot it rolls first who gets loot and after that which item. With group loot it rolls the item first and the players roll second resulting in scenarios where all bosses drop loot you can't click need on. So with personal loot you had a fixed 1 in 5 chance to get loot from a boss. With group loot you have for example a 1 in X chance to get an item to drop from a boss and after that a 1 in X chance to win the roll against the other players.

    So if we take the first boss of the raid and you're a mage, there are 5 items you can roll need from a loot pool of 13 items total, so a 5 in 13 chance for the item to drop. If there are 4 cloth wearer in the raid it's a 1 in 4 chance to win the roll. So instead of the fixed 20% chance from personal loot you end up with a 9.6% chance to get any loot from that boss in that situation. If you have more people that can use the loot your chances go down, if there are less, your chances go up. With trinkets, rings and necks that almost everyone needs you chance to get those items is extremely low.

  10. getting kicked for winning loot in a pug DOES happen lol. it is rare but I have seen it 3 or 4 times since Dragonflight, so over the past 2+ years I've seen it about once every 5-6 months or so~

    rare, but does happen.

  11. I liked when personal loot snd group loot were options. Group loot is obviously goated for organised teams but any team thats low mythic or heroic its worse just because of how it makes people feel. Back when my guild only did early mythic we only used personal loot because when anything drops on group loot the person that wants it instantly thinks it should go to them, so the person who wins it gets hate from everyone else. I feel like in personal loot everyones doesnt feel like the loot is right there for the taking, if its auto put into someones bag they can get mad at rng or blizzard but not at their friends.

  12. From experience, in my guild we have a rule that trials only get loot after most of the regular guildies but only because it has happened often enough of new recruits using us as a stepping stone for higher ranked guilds and taking all the loot we give them, now a days you can have a full raid with 4tier pieces in one reset so that never a issue it's more for when there are special weapons or trinkets, never feels good when a well performing trial gets like one of the 3 super powerful trinkets that dropped during prog because its super good for their spec only for them to leave after a reset of kiling a really hard prog boss and having the kill and loot to go look for a higher ranked guild. So it's not about favouritism is about not just losing effort you do during prog and it going to waste half way thru a tier

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