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Gamesir G8 Controller Hack To Play Call of Duty Mobile Xbox Controller Mode

This hack to play Call of Duty Mobile sort of natively using your Gamesir G8 Galileo or any USB C type controllers is awesome! When I was messing around with something I discovered this so I thought I’d share because beforehand I was going to send this thing back to where it came! Enjoy, like, share, subscribe!


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  1. I tried this with the Gamestop Rapotor 8 and a PS4 controller. It worked! 😮 Since I found out the Rapotor8 controller was an exact copy of the Gamesir
    ( I was unaware) I tried this hack and was surprised it actually worked. With a PS4 controller also.

  2. The thing is since you need an actual wireless controller anyway to game on it with the gamesir natively………… you may as well use the wireless control you already have and save your money by not buying the g8 lol. The wireless controller works just as good if not better. I realized this after i ordered a g8 🤣☠️.

  3. When I tried to play for the first time, I had the option for controller selected in COD Mobile and the G8 wouldn't work. Switched that off and everything works fine. Don't even need to use the Gamesir app to launch the game.

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