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So you all know Midnight is bringing bigger and revamped Quel’Thalas and Silvermoon but just a few days back from an official interview Blizzard heavily hinted that it will be much more than this and we could be seeing some classic zones getting the same treatment. All the northern Eastern Kingdom zones are highly relevant. Stromgarde has been fully rebuilt and is waiting to just be added to the game, same can be said for a brand new Undercity that should be a legit city and not a sewer as well as Gilneas. Plaguelands are mostly restored in the lore and the place where Dalaran once was could be highly relevant. So really it doesn’t seem like Midnight will just be an elf, Silvermoon expansion but so much more than this. So what is everything we know and what is the evidence?
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I agree we need a revamp on Azeroth as a whole. O wish we get Gilneas as the main city for Alliance and Undercity/Lorderon as the main city for Horde during Midnight. Or they will just rework Silvermoon to be a Sanctuary for both factions considering the Void will try to reach the Sunwell.
Purge lordaeron get the undead out!^^
loved that new Arathi lady going all in on destroying orks and making clothes out of their pet wolves!!!
I really hope we get this, the entirity of Lordaeron needs an update, bigger, bolder and badder!
While Quel'thalas, "Undercity" and Gilneas are all given, I'd love to see some content for Alterac and Silverpine, one has plenty of lore but has been neglected like crazy, the Syndicate is practically gone at this point, and we don't know where.
Dalaran Crater can become a new and exciting dungeon (there's still sewer pipes and ruins around the crater, it could double as an outdoor dungeon AND a conventional dungeon), and the city shouldn't be rebuilt there, at all. (Please Blizzard, don't let the Draenei build their fugly structures there either!)
A place I've heard nothing about is the Hinterlands, initially it doesn't seem like it'd be relevant in Midnight, but there's Amani trolls and High Elves there too, and it'd be and excellent port for invading a new Zul'aman, or be invaded by Zul'aman and bring war to the entire region.
When midnight comes out, the silver moon and blood elf zones will be 20 years old. The zones that you describe will be 22 years old. I think it’s been pretty crisply and clearly stated by blizzard as far back as the initial announcement of the world saga that midnight would be updating the blood elf zones associated with the burning Crusade. A lot of the conclusions in this content are complete and utter gaslighting in order to get clicks clearly a lack of research don’t recommend this channel for concrete information about the future of wow. Repeatedly seen this channel. Be the conspiracy theories of the WOW universe.
As a longtime Blood Elf roleplayer since Burning Crusade and someone who fell in love with their lore all the way back to Warcraft III, I literally cannot overstate how excited I am for this expansion, and for my favorite zones of all time to get the update they've deserved for almost 20 years
The Scarlets brought ships and ported in from somewhere. They had all these new Young Leaders take the reins of all these places for a reason.
Won’t the scourge be back since there is no lich king…
Pleaase PLEASE let the zones be nice and not covered in Void vomit that is forgotten about for 10+ years because it's not "current content".
Not just an Elf expansion
yeaaah tell that to all the Beast Races that barely got anything focused on them like Vulpera, Pandaren and of course my beloved Tauren.
It will be Elves again in the center
I would think the Draenei would either build in the blasted lands close to the dark portal and swamp of sorrows.
Or on Kalimdor, But really i never would have thought the night elves would get a home on Dragon isles so who knows.
There sure are a lot of city's to close to each other though i wish they where further apart and had more lands to settle on around the city.
Plus for me the Draenei building on the Azeroth side of the dark portal makes since as Nether guard keep was destroyed and the Draenei could keep watch over the dark portal plus any Draenei still on outlands could come through it to azeroth.
There is also a settlement of broken in swamp of sorrows close by that have been welcomed back recently it just makes more since for them to build there. I could also see Druids starting an effort to regrow nature in blasted lands like they did in desolace.
Amazing video. I haven"t even finished watching it yet, but I appreciate already the wording and the idea behind your reasoning. I don't want to sound rude, but I've followed your theories for a while now, and I haven't always agreed with them. However, you make a resounding point here.
Even though it might seem easy to criticize, a complete revamp has been long overdue. And by "complete" I obviously mean Lordaeron, since that's the region of Azeroth that pretty much shaped Warcraft imagery since Warcraft 2. Teasing so many of the old human nations over the past few expansions certainly shows Blizzard"s way of trying to make it right.
Would be cool if Gilneas is the new Alliance hub, and Silvermoon is the Horde's in Midnight.
Thumbnail tho XD
If we consider some map merges, to keep each map sizes in line with modern flight and likely D.R.I.V.E speeds, it starts looking like a more reasonable number of zones for an expansion:
Plaguelands (east and west), Quel'thalas (Eversong and Ghostlands), Arathor (Arathi and Hinterlands), Gilneas (Gilneas, Silverpine) and Lordaeron (Tirisfal & Hillsbrad).
Not perfect as the Hinterlands are not part of the former Arathi kingdom and it bunches Stromgarde into Lordareon when they were different nations as well as makes the Tirisfall/Hillsbrad map take on a very goofy shape but with some work on the names and a little bit of geography shifting something in that vein would make sense.
I would love to see a Forsaken reclaimed surface capitol city. That would mean the current underground area could be reworked as a dungeon or delve. Dark lady knows there are enough dark secrets buried down there between Sylvanas shenanigans and the Royal Apothecary society to make either work with ease.
Similarly enough old tomfoolery would still likely be hidden in Gilneas to make a mirror dungeon/delve for the two to tie into each other or simply mirror each other thematically with varying takes on horror tropes.
If they rework the whole old, Vanilla-BC world in like, four years…
Fuck Blizzard.
That's the time they took to rush that freaking Warcraft theme park, A GLIMPSE of Azeroth, 20 years ago. Since then they spent half the time PRETENDING to create new things while completely auto-plagiarizing themselves because they don't know what to do else or even if they try marketing doesn't follow and fans "judge" they don't like it. Now what ? Can ANYONE defend the fact that old zones were better designed and more sensiscal than the modern world buliding ?! If it doesn't take 20 more years to rebuild the entire world, properly- at least with the level of quality, and scaling, of Battle for Azeroth… then Warcraft will be WASTED POTENTIAL.
You feel like "that would be too much" ? Now waiting for things like Unreal Engine WoW 2 is too much. But imagine saying it was too much to bother developing Kul Tiras more than Alterac (Battleground not included !). You can add Gilneas too. Actually, those three kingdoms ARE supposed to be the same size. That's why I'm satisfied with the minimal update they did to the Cataclysm capital. It should be at least 4 times bigger. With a whole campaign in it.
Just THINK about Teldrassil… and forget it. NORDRASSIL is the way. What's your idea ? It's not the same ? It's too small ? Guess what, THAT'S what I'm talking about !
Hell, the patch that juste released is just about a single city, Undermine ! I know devs and players don't have a very open and flexible mind outisde of gameplay, but seriously, getting lazy and just upscaling the old thing and call it a day… This is the true end of Warcraft. Don't be in a hurry, you want better than than. We deserve, at last, to discover the true Warcraft world… And maybe, just maybe, the devs could try to tell actual, sensical, grounded stories to pass the time until they release the next zones ?
Dont know why anyone living would want to settle in the pleaguelands imagine some rando telling you to llive in Chernobyl. It might not be as radiated but you don't know
No Gnomeragan? Gross.
The Amani are NOT joining The Horde LMAO, they hate every race with their very being, especially undead and elves.
we've been in Cata Azeroth for 13 years, Azeroth as a whole needs an entire update.
woke purple trash is not warcraft
I liked Lordaeron more when it was still Plagued and full of Scourge remnants. It was much more interesting. There, I said it.
Another click bate :/
All new expansions put up by blizzard should just be older revamp zones with extra content….
SFK, Scarlet Monestary GY/Cath/Arms/Lib, Scholo, Strath dead and alive (clearly revamped and renamed).. thats 8 instances.
Rebuild the Holy city of Lordaeron and let the living have it, once more!!!✊
Listen man I've been watching your videos for a while and for around 6 or more years you've been saying that a revamp of the world is coming the next expansion. It's just like nuclear fusion at this point.
The idea of seeing more elves, Scarlet Crusade again, and a light army is pretty cool! but not sure how I feel about revamped old zones. End of the day all that really matters is how they innovate on the game because the same old hamster wheel of content is not going to cut it next expansion for me. I just want to be excited for WoW again.
Just think if they spent time and resources on making the game not suck instead of fluff…..
God forbid one of these videos actually link to the news article or interview it's discussing
Thing what im wondering about is how we get revamped zones tied to story. What happens at the end of TWW.
Please no. I don't want the modern dev team touching the old world. I don't need DEI Eastern Kingdoms
I would love to see a flight point in Gilneas! Some sort of continuation, large or small, of the worgen story would be nice. Anyone else notice that all the worgen guards on Legion Dalaran disappeared?
I'll settle for finally being able to fly around Quel'thalas.
We also need gnomeregan
I hope they have flying there.
How much can you deadlift? One rep? 💪🏼
A revamped Quel'thalas that doesn't require going through a portal to the Burning Crusade would be nice (and the same to the draenei islands). I don't play Horde much, but recovering the Undercity would be better than the refugee camp they have going on over there.
Can you stop lying in your titles? You don’t even know for sure you’re always just speculating it’s getting annoying
Forest Trolls join the Horde.
"Looks at thumbnail" okay… but what about that small stretch of a zone above startholme that was never used? Pretty sure there was a harbour somewhere in stratholme in Wc3 idk whatelse or what could be added to make use of the whole map 🤔
Where is the wow music from at 5:06? ive heard it in game before but dont know what piece of music it is
I was planning on making a worgen character but gonna wait until the next expansion if Gilneas is truly getting a revamp. Gilneas is one of my favorite, most atmospheric leveling zones of all time
in Midnight with the Forsaken new revamped city likely being on surface will the old Undercity became a Dungeon or could Undercity have a above and below areas .
they should be using the entire game.
[citation needed]