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The New Story Approach in 11.1 & Beyond… Interview With Ion Hazzikostas & Maria Hamilton for 11.1

World of Warcraft, The War Within patch 11.1 Undermine(d) is here! We had an interview with game director Ion Hazzikostas and Maria Hamilton, who revealed their inspirations for the aesthetic of the patch, their intentions with story delivery and D.R.I.V.E. racing, and even Ion’s reasons for keeping some of the less-popular mechanics in the new mythic+ Season 2 (like the minecart escort in Darkflame Cleft)

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  1. you hit the nail on the head, not everyone is a goblin person. Saving my $$$ for something would be like having a whole gnome patch… GAG

  2. Kinda sad we are just gonna be revisiting old content for Midnight and The Last Titan. The most exciting part of an expansion is going to the new zones seeing the new sights and new music.

  3. Would love some goblin car racing! Drift courses, where you get points for drifting like back in need for speed underground, would be FANTASTIC!

  4. Taliesen managed to talk to people face to face without raging, cursing mothers or screaming at people, I presume it’s just his live show personality it’s completely different like jekly and Hyde

  5. I know this is out of tune with the video vibes (which is awesome btw), but you might already know that the spanish version of 11.1 patch is not dubbed as it hasn't been 11.0.5 and 11.0.7. All prior content to these patches has always been dubbed and the spanish community is flaming about it. However, since we are not enough people to make some noice, i thought you could make a pun on your next video so at least everyone is aware of this. It's all about blizz forcing voice actors and actress giving away their voice to train AI, which in the long term means the death of this beautiful profession. I hope, as someone that has enjoyed wow for the last 20 years (even through shadowlands and wod, yes), that at least everyone is aware of how blizz is treating communities and their respective workers. If you made it to here I sincerely thank you for your time. Best regards, a fellow pirate goblin.

  6. The Goblin city is too…busy for my introversion. I get overwhelmed by the activity and noise. Of course, I do not have music on or sound loud, but still, I can only do the Gob area in small doses. Still, My main got the apartment, just for fun. And I will definitely finish the story line and dabble at it. Thanks for the interview!

  7. "goblins actually have depth" sigh, that's where the bad part came from again, this lady can't help but try to disney everything up. Nobody asked for anyone to try and make goblins suddenly have morals and act like good guys. Undermine is decent quest content, a solid IGN 7/10. But yet again, for many quests it feels like HR was in the room with the writing team. Please, I beg, Blizzard. Help the writers find their warcraft edge again — or transition out the ones who just can't do it. There are way too many liberal softy weirdos in the writing room, whose goal is "fixing" gamer culture, rather than making Warcraft as great as it can possibly be.

    This patch shoulda had way more criminal activities in the city… Way more swearing, guns, explosions, substance abuse, sex appeal, gangster turf wars. Instead we're jumping on fruits and delivering mail. Come on Ion. You know who these people are, you let them in. Now get them out.

  8. No what the team has done is forced their gamers to once again accept content that they disagree with. Kill the whole process of fantasy gaming. Sci-Fi and fantasy are different concepts. I just want a way to get past this content and forget it happened. Once again Blizzard cannot fix what is already broken and is coping things others has done. The developers are out of synch with the gaming community and the gamers that bring money to the game. This is yet another nail in the coffin. They started failing when the nerfed Legion and ever since the game has been subpar at best. Until they can rectify their issues and get the gamers on their side it will continue to fail.

  9. I cant help but see the gears turning in Tali's head "i hope to god Ian's voice is picking up on that mic okay while maria holds it" hahaha That would have made me nervous too. I know how difficult event interviews can be to film and capture in decent quality. Whole thing turned out just fine! So bravo. Always love the care you put into your interview questions and facilitation.

  10. So excited for this patch! Thanks for being the best WoW youtubers. It's great the energy and enthusiasm you guys always bring even when other people or reddit get off on negativity. Love yall

  11. this seems very very stressfull. i dont know if thats because of the nature of the interview (start: we have little time) or because of the patch or because somethign entirly different. But you can feel it

  12. I love these guys…I sampled the ptr .I was was laughing so hard..Im super delighted that they use real voice actors .and not ai…undermine is going to be super super fun 3 more hours and I can play can't wait..perfect interview.

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