How to play and carry as Evelynn Jungle on euw soloq. How strong is evelynn after the second buffs. New Season 15 gameplay in diamond elo on euw soloq on patch 25.S1.2.
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Hey guys it’s me Embrace Agony EUW Grandmaster/EUNE Challenger OTP Evelynn.
Started playing league of legends around the middle of season 3. Years later in season 8 inspired by someone I got into Evelynn and decided to master her. Here you will see mainly league of legends jungle gameplay, highlights and montages.
0:00 Introduction/Preview
0:42 Runes
0:52 Early Game
6:22 Mid Game
11:15 Late Game
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#leagueoflegends #evelynn #embraceagony
why rod first back over wisp boots / tome ds boots on first back? I personally find no boots on first back slows down your tempo a lot.
Any specific reason why upgrade W second?
Do u stream anywhere?
This one was insane, now u can actually kill with the ult like before
Nah you're too strong with her…I can't do everything you did in all you videos😭
POV : How to destroy a team haha !
i love that you give reasons to your actions, helps out a ton!!
Hello embrace. Can you pls play an evelyn roam support pls for a change??
is there a reason why u went shadowflame instead of void staff? im curious bcs i always thought it would be overkill to get it
Just got the prestige version of this skin from the Mythic Shop. Easily my favourite skin 💅
axiom arcanist > absolute focus?
the sound effect when buying items is so fkin loud dude. besides that, was waiting for your videos
just got back into evelynn again. she is so fun, and currently i have a 76% wr in 13 games. hoping I can finally climb out of gold with her!
Wp as always sir