Blizzard revealed an initial look at what’s coming in patch 11.1.5 of The War Within! It’s kind of a lot for a mid patch, let’s see what’s up!
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It’s interesting the dev is following the BFA formula in this expansion. I wouldn’t say it was an exciting or memorable expansion overall…
Man, I'm getting burned out on factions and renown.
Okay, they are returning visions, but why on earth are they not updating these major cities to modern standards and graphics? I mean, in 2025 these cities have the graphics of 2004.
I want there to be at least a kind of justification for the Nerubians to still be attacking after Ansurek's defeat…. I mean, how many of her loyalists can really have survived? (How many true loyalists has she ever had in the first place? :'D)
Otherwise – shrug. I'll see how I like the Horrific Visions when revisited…. I wasn't terribly keen on them during BfA but they're an interesting concept, maybe I'll like them better this time around!
Oh…. my… god, FOMO!
Honestly too much too fast😢
5:55 What are you talking about?! Anniversary and Turbulent Timeways were not tied to the story either!
Who cares about being tied to the story?! We got Raids and Dungeons for that.
I want side content and Horrific Visions were perfect.
Tired of the FOMO
I already have an apartment in undermine. I have
Best part for me is just the start with the attacks by the Queens followers… finally something actually showing a continuation of a "finished" story. Its like you said where so many raids end and the story of said raid ends right then as well. I'm hoping it does great and lets them build on more later on with stories actually continuing AFTER the raid.
WTH another faction? Which means Another renown to earn or grind for
I don’t give 2 shits about cosmetics. Anyone else?
I have no clue what a "Sureki" is.
I enjoyed soloing the Horrific Visions in BFA and it was the main source of gear progression for my characters. This time around with the current gear progression system in TWW, I would think many players will have already gotten a lot of hero level gear by the time this new iteration of Horrific Visions become available.
3:52 Say "Orgrim" (like Orgrim Doomhammer). Now say "Orgrim-mar"
Wish the duos thing had a solo mode. As for what to focus on in 11.1.5, it’ll depend on what has the coolest mog rewards :D.
It sounds terrible. Mini raid/mega dungeons that's what we should get. It is wasting resources.
I'm not completly against revisiting old contents, but with cut content and shortened expantions.
It is rather something negative than anything else. No more fomo out of context event nor remix !
Looking forward to Horrific Visions again.
I found your channel back then via your Visions guide, which helped me achieve the Faceless One title without raid/m+ gear.
Honestly I’m totally fine with the Horrific Visions not being in different locations or more story relevant. They are some of the best challenging single player content that they’ve added. I’m excited for the new masks too.
I wish they would bring back mini raids or mega dungeon with these minor patches, so far they have been very disappointing.
is the old horrific visions going away? I still dont have the mount that u buy with mementos D:
Wow! That's quite a bit, and so soon!
I love that they keep adding addons to the bass game, it's healthy for the game in the long run.
Something something FOMO!