5 New Changes In CODM BATTLEROYALE – Season 3 Test Server
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Time stamp –
Zipline – 00:00
More Changes – 00:41
New Class Test – 01:22
Jump Pad & Vehicles – 03:40
Free Characters & Emote – 04:44
Music Credit –
Music By White Bat Audio
Music By Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio
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Fan Membership Code: HyNas
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What should we do in new update?
CODM DEVS: Lets change the colour of Zip line from Yellow to Blue 😂
Your ping 103+ms😅😅😅
is this update out on gerena?
Codm slowly becoming apex legends..maybe it's time garena giving back to Activision and garena can focus on their own game
4:20 now there is no need to swim without vehicles after seeing this crazy chip 😂😂
Bullshit class…no need for it. CODM should fix other shit.
Imagine someone with rewind class here
Gta5 ahh stunt
If the character is free, it could probably be another mistake, and it ends up coming in a lootbox.
I hop its like this with cars
U forgot to make an upgraded jump pad
Jump pad will ruin the GAME.
This is not looking suitable, bro!
All i can say is they will nerf the hell out of jumppad like 50 %
CODM Apex Legends
Do this with skateboard 🛹
Its a car pad 😂 even a car has its own pad before me 😢
How is fan di going to be free when it used to be paid? If its going to be free people who paid for fan di should get a refund
nOw there will be more trucks in the air rather than helicopter or jackel
They need to stop adding so many female characters.
GTA hahha
ohh man this class is crazy you not need a bridge to cross river just use this class and fly your car via jump pad..it covers a long distance in air. An Airbourne class for vehicles ..this class is normal to take TPP on hise rise locations like Water tanks , Building roof etc.. bcz you can use ninja or airbourne class too but overpowered for Vehicles in AIR.
Another game crash update
thanks for the zipline update iguess, better than other games where they never update little detail
enemy can use the jump pads too, so they can follow you with murderous intent? 😂😂😂
Vehicle flying is like South Indian movies 😂😂😂
The only guy that breaks codm codes 💕🥳
Delta force right in the next corner and Activision still filling the game with nonsense content…
What happens if you hit the jump pad with the helicopter or the hover bike, or the tank??
That's insane i love that 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They could just have added an oppressor mark 2
Campers using that class
And pro's using that to find em but there's that limit again also let it be 2 to and when upgraded it will be 3 use
Garbage game shame to call it a FPS game instead it should be called as rip of version of Subway surfer and Asphalt
They are going to remove the aka 47 Mythique??
Can u do the double jump pad?
Using jump and then using the second jump pad on top to jump even higher
We could do that in Halo 3
Also using jump pad in the house to be stuck to the ceiling with a shotgun to surprise the enemy coming in was a thing
Cod GTA 😂😂
What’s the point if enemy can use the jump pad 😂
Jump pad is useless lmao like what ? Ninja , quick strike , pumped all better than that . Jump pad only effective if you could jump 4 times further
Don't trust that plug-in 😂 the voice screams don't trust me 😂
Left handed would be good for them corner shots
I don’t back out of fights no matter what happens, even if I’m severely outmatched I still try to fight but if a car is flying to my general location thinking it’s that Ford Anglia from that one Harry Potter movie I’m gonna challenge anyone to beat the quit record imma about to set in CODM
3:50 😂😂 well done codm. Finally a realistic class that's true to life and the battlefield