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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Tips & Tricks | Episode Two | Anti Air Support

This is episode two of my new MW2 video series entitled Tips & Tricks. In this episode, I outline a class, strategies, and some tactics to take care of all those big kill streaks and to stop air support before it even begins. Let me know if you enjoyed it and what you would like to see in upcoming episodes!

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  1. I'm playing ps3 for 8 years, and it's sad to notice that I am the 1% of player population who, as soon as sees enemy's air support ( whatever it is), sacrifices himself with suicide and switch to the ant air class. In this class I don't use scavenger but slight of hand so I immediately shoot two misses, then I immediately suicide with c4 and I immediately spawn with 2 other missles6. It's jizzy to see people have their air taken down, and I said jizzy cause in these years the 75% of people who keep getting high streaks is by using aim bot or infinite uav cheat and I HATE CHEATERS SO HARD CAUSE THEY ARE FAGGOTS WHO RUIN GAME TO EVERYONE cause they aren't skilled enough.
    So seeing them leave the game cause I keep ruining their chance to get the easy nuke is JIZZY
    IF U HATE CHEATERS LIKE I DO, ADD ME ON PS3 I'm towerz94 and help me ruin cheaters games

  2. @dxfl yes, but as i said, with javelin you need to pick up a scavenger's pack to shot down a coppergunner for exampel. with the stinger you don't need to pick up a pack to shot it with.
    You just reload and vola the coppa is down

  3. Dude for AC130 use the javelin witn danger close it's one shot one airplane down!!it's sure!i am playing all the time anti air and explosives!

  4. I hate Chopper firing down so fast than when you tried to lock on it with your stinger. I think it took two stinger shot to shot down the AC-130 you just got to fire fast. I wish there is a way to shot down the B-2 Spirit.

  5. @DarthWater7 The stinger shoots down chopper gunner with 1 shoot, but always, as in this movie, the stinger also fails sometimes, I have used 2 stinger shoots on a causual helicopter just because of this. And that's also what's happening to goldengolve in this vidio (sorry for crapy English, im from Norway -.-)

  6. @gambino883 Because Javelin only have 1 shott… Stinger also shotts straight on the sir support, witch means you EASYER shoot it down 😛

  7. @thegoldglove07 Yeah, it does… I ALLWAYS shoot down the choppers for my team =) Just aim a bit in the front of where the chopper is going to fly, you always hit and it will always get destroyed =)

  8. I get killed by air-support(Pavelow, attack helicopter, harrier, chopper gunner.)
    I get my stinger class…and boom the fucking things gone, I cook a grenade die…and switch classes…done and done 🙂

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