Thumbnail by Korin
00:00 Intro/Explanation
00:16 First Augment
00:36 Round 1
00:58 Guest of Honor
01:08 Buy
01:20 Round 2
02:22 Buy
02:36 Round 3
03:08 Buy
03:26 Round 4
04:21 Second Augment
04:47 Round 5
06:00 Buy
06:34 Round 6
06:47 Prismatic Stat Shard
07:15 Round 7
08:23 Guest of Honor
08:33 Third Augment
09:04 Round 8
10:14 Buy
10:55 Round 9
11:52 Prismatic Stat Shard
12:30 Round 10
13:30 Fourth Augment
14:03 Round 11
14:31 Buy
15:03 Round 12
15:25 Buy
15:47 Round 13
can't believe he proceeded to 2v1 at 0:57 after that mind control flash and simply edited it out… truly my humble king
Thumbnail: "AnViLs OnLy"
Bro became X-Men cyclops with laser eyes and all that magic pen
building void staff when already dealing true damage with the flat magic pen is crazy
There should be an augment that grants you free stat anvils based on your current gold amount each round, but removes your ability to buy anything after taking it. Also forcibly would sell all your current non-quest related items so you can't "cheat" and have items as well as anvils. One way street deal.
IE: You have 1500 gold, you get two anvils, but it costs you 0 gold, and when you have 3000 gold, it gives you four anvils, and so on to the end of the match. Something that gets insane the later the game goes.
FYI on live server if you KILL you get all 12 BIRDS (or the remaining) directly.
what are the conditions to get the stat multiplier? Can you go back after buying an item? For example after fire sale?
tld;dr : overpen isn't a thing 300 pen while funny isn't efficient.
Unfortunatelly I think there's no overpen , i'm not sure if your duo said that but overpen while not impossible is extremely rare according to wiki calculation goes like this :
1-Armor reduction, flat
2-Armor reduction, percentage
3-Armor penetration, percentage
4-Armor penetration, flat (Lethality)
However the wiki specifies that penetration cannot reduce below 0 only flat reduction can , and since it happens first in the calculations only in VERY specific scenarios can it be done example : Sejuani has passive and aftershock up , she procs them gaining like 600 armor and trundle ults her in that very specific window , reducing her armor by a ridiculous fixed amount , when her passive and aftershock wear off , she might have negative armor and trundle can 2 tap her.
Supposedly in season 1 & 2 when karthus W was a flat reduction as well , karthus nasus maxed E and W respectively to achieve overpen ( that's a theorycraft courtesy of Skyyart but I have strong doubts that it even was a viable strat)
This would be really interesting to see with Ornn and Kayle because Kayle is literally the ONLY champion in the entire game that can actually make use of every single stat. She would abuse random stats the best.
Absolutely crazy run here, King Nidhogg! Very nice!
Like that marksmage returns unchanged is insane to me… it is besides broken interactions the most broken augment and it isnt even a prismatic…42542 damage in this game 😅
So is it optimal to sell your prismatic for anvils or not?
So, if you flat reduce magic res below 0, they will take bonus damage up to -100 resistance which causes double damage. I believe the only situation in which – magic resistance can even occur anymore is on Rammus with Jak'Sho and Aftershock after his W falls off while being Trundle ulted since the reduction occurs as a flat reduction based on a percentage of the armor when Trundle's R was cast. I've seen him go to -50 before and just get exploded.
Penetration only works on positive values. However, there's no way you're not doing true damage with the amount you ended up with. Also, the game is balanced assuming you have resistances. As soon as res is gone, everything is OP.
What’s the ravens?
Idk if spatula quest is still a thing, but does that item prevent you from getting shareholder shard?
imagine if he autoed more than once every 4sec with tf. Kinda weird when he has 1000apm
hello mister nidhogg here is free engagement
negative MR works like positive MR but it's bonus damage instead of reduced damage. 100 mpen past 0 reduces their EHP to 50%, 200 mpen reduces their EHP to 25%, 300 to 12.5% etc… Multiplicative MPEN always applies first. That means your 54% comes first. So if a galio has 400 MR he'd lose about 200 off the 50% and THEN another 300 from the flat for an effective MR of -100 when taking damage.
so yeah, your flat MPEN plus void makes galio take double damage through 400 MR in the example. good stats
I can't believe someone ate a muffin in the comments
Wouldn't shadowflame been good addition to the build?
Kinda gagged tho
Nah, bonus mr is reduntant.
fucked up high roll
so sick
i love the scene cuts hahaha
0:56 📸🤨
I guess you could say that you really did give them the death stare.
Bro, having 300mpen if enemy has 100mr is overkill, you cannot reduce mr below 0
This season of Arena is looking like its going to be golden
Every time he picked magic pen I was like the lady from "Where does the circle go? That's right, into the square hole!"
TF used Blue Steel!
"You think i can't just look at you bitch?!" one of the greatest threat/statements in arena
I love that you "cheated" and maxed out the anvil build with items. With this many gold it was reasonable and more entertaining cause of the liandry's ticks.
star rail music jumpscare (though I love it)
Does stat anvil not give ms anymore?
PapaHogg please bless me with aids for arena release 😀
Was watching this video and thought something looked familiar. Then I realized I was the bard in this game LOL. ggs nidhog love your vids 💗
Guys does the prismatic shard work for the anvils bought after you find it?
That was one of the wildest runs I've seen
This is a wild game
My household knows no arena content creator but the King of the Tube…who's name is Nidhogg
does it beat gamebolts's WR, 10:56 he's not optimizing min damage
Bro your videos are perfect the only problem is you dont open chat , everyone wants to see reactions of the victims bro your too good to turn chat off please read this comment
man just became darkseid
kirby air ride ost is such a nostalgia bomb
I have many problems with the church
holy homelander build
" I will lose. I will lose if I have to."
someone explain to me how the pen works? i thought if his flat pen is more than their mr then it becomes pointless after? clearly im wrong and from my understanding you deal bonus damage based on the amount of pen you have? how much more bonus damage then? whats the multiplier?