Lots of comments from the most recently Weekly prompted me to elaborate on some quick takes I had that I let be taken out of context. Let’s talk difficulty in Delves during Season 2 and what might happen further down the road!
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Delves are just fine as they are.. I really don't understand what the problem is here.. Delves were ment for casual and it's perfect as it is.
Delves helped the game a lot. The game would have half the player numbers right now without them. At least to some extent Blizzard has recognized that 90% of their playerbase are aging gamers that just want to relax after work (me). M+ ist nothing but pure stress and no one in my friends circle wants to play it. a Few of them Raid so they have to to gear, but they hate every second of it. The timer alone causes many people too much anxiety to play this game mode. That you need 20 different add-ons isn't helping either. A thing Blizzard also at least aknowledged already. Anyways. I hope blizzard ignores all those "content creators" representing the 1% of the elitist asshole playerbase that wants everyone to be miserable because they dare to have a job beside WoW.
Are delves easier? Absolutely. I was trucking 11s at at 618 with my MW and tank Brann.
Should blizz make them harder? No, I just make them harder myself by pulling bigger and really pushing myself to keep Brann alive
Why does content have to be a sweaty grind tuned to people that play wow as a job or be considered as ‘too easy’. Gearing is reset functionally every three months and I do not know why having a path that is achievable by casual players is considered ‘too easy’ or ‘designed for bad players’. Delves this season are actually fun. I do not feel like I am spinning plates (candles, finding bubbles, etc) while trying to avoid being one shotted by mechanics, and Tank Brann is a nice addition. I also do not feel like I am wasting time because I can actually gear up and have a track for progression without the toxic M+ pug conveyor belt.
Well, Blizzard apparently listened to it and adjusted https://www.wowhead.com/news/tank-brann-too-powerful-and-will-be-adjusted-375778
With titles such as yours "Delves are easier" implies that it's a problem, when it's not at all a problem. You are a content creator and should have a better understanding of the influence you have over at Blizzard. You may find them easier sure because of your skill set and the ability to play the game all the time, but you have to understand that you are in a very unique position to do so and the majority of players likely are not in that position.
Blizzard already changed and nerfed Tank Brann, which now makes the Delves significantly more difficult for them, which is not a win for anyone.
Just please be mindful of that moving forward.
Play a mage. You'll sing a different song. Not just delves either. Most content dealing with undermined. A class that has no heals. A class that has no heals and wear cloth should absolutely destroy mobs to make up for it
Delves still suck for mages and all because tank Brann dies at the drop of a hat. If you think they are easier than season 1,then something is wrong with you. Mages have to get groups to do solo content. Brann sucks as a tank. They need to make him a paladin for something that can heal themselves also.
Blizz needs to make the curio’s bigger so you can see and click on them. They look like a small coin at the moment
I think it's more about what level Brann is that dictates if a delve is easy or not. I didn't play much in season 1 and my Brann is currently level 18. Delves up to level 6 were very easy.
Level 7 was very hard and Brann kept dying (as a tank… and he would almost never heal himself between fights.) So I won't be trying 18, until I've leveled him a bit higher.
Because we are scared that blizzard is going to watch that video and make it harder ..since we know there paying attention to streamers comments..so you have be careful what you say because if in the two weeks there any kind of announcement that there recalculating delves everyone going to blame the streamers, so please be more careful of your words..
There is more than enough content out there that is crazy annoying and challenging. That being said, you cannot sleepwalk a T11. You have to do things the right way or you will fail. Your item lvl isn't crazy important, you are just slower/faster. I think that's fine.
As a fellow prot pally player, it kinda feels like they are to easy tho. I had my pala do 11’s pretty smoothly on day 1 of the season. But i get plenty of challenge on my alts, so its all good.
Might have a different take than many of my fellow delvers. While I think delves are good in their current iteration of difficulty, if they eventually made an optional challenge mode (with more tiers, masks, whatever) outside of Zekvir-type end bosses that rewarded, say, weekly Mythic gear, I'd do them. I'm the type of delver who won't touch Mythic+ because of pug toxicity/not having a core group of friends to play with…. not because I don't enjoy a challenge/won't put in the work to get better. I like living or dying by my own skillset, so delves are great in that respect. I hope they continue to iterate on them in the future and put in more hard mode challenges for the dozens of us that would do them lol. (And yes, I know, I don't technically need mythic gear if I don't do mythic raiding. I get it. But I want the transmog.)
L take
I agree that Horrific Visions returning has an ulterior motive. Especially since it’s presumed to not be directly tied to the narrative. Depending on their data collected from players, it could be adapted into an evolution of delves sometime in the future.
For me personally. “It depends”.
On my main Prot Pally. Delves seem fairly easy. I can tweak the perceived difficulty and speed on what I spec Bran as.
I want a smooth run, no worry about taking a death? He’s healer. If I want it to go quick but trade off needing to pay attention and roll coolies. Spec him as DPS.
However, on my less geared, less experienced warlock alt. I’ve had a few instances where I get wrecked the first few pulls.
I did a level 9 delve with an ilvl in the mid to high 620s and it was pretty difficult and slow. It was difficult enough to make me want to only clear 8s until my gear is significantly higher level and upgraded. I'm sure level 9-11 delves will provide difficult enough content for solo players and still won't interfere with high level M+ or raids.
I'm good with where Delves are now, but I wouldn't mind seeing a challenge level added above 11 as long as gearing continues to 11, and it's worth doing up to 11. Even though I am an AOTC raider, I didn't like the feel of no gear progression being rewarded beyond 8, and it was blatantly clear that if I didn't raid or M+, I'd not advance to the higher level of Delves. What they have in season 2 fixes that and they should not change it. People need to stop complaining about content they don't play and accept that there are multiple ways to play and now multiple ways to gear. You can do one type of content, some or all and that's a good thing.
I think if they want delve challenges it needs to be like M+ where the dial can be cranked further. However there's a soft cap at max reward.
When I tried 9 delve on my moderately geared lock I could not complete. As tank though super chill.
There are a lot of moving parts with delves and this changes the "difficulty" significantly. Last season I walked into an 11 on my heals and about 4 tries later noped it and walked out. Not to try again on that toon. (who was also my main and best geared). Now bring in my blood DK and I walked through 11s flipping brann between dps and heals. (heals if one of the special packs was around). So class/spec is a factor.
Now take this season. I've run all my toons* through 11s and grouped up with some guildies. We were tank and 2 dps with Brann on heals. Run died when we hit the nem back where the guy phones in allies. We just weren't pumping enough for the tank to not get overrun because of the greatly increased hit point size. So that is another factor. Num of people.
Having run my heals through 11s I knew how strong tank Brann runs when healed. So, I told that same group flip to tank to a heal spec and run Brann as a tank. We smashed through the 11. So yet another factor. Group comp/Brann spec matters.
Conclusion. If they really want delves to not be too "easy" or too "hard" they will have to make a lot of unpopular decisions no matter what way they go.
the only time I thought it was too easy is the Sidestreet Sluice variant where you fight the gold elemental at the end, that version is way easier than other delves xD
otherwise the challenge level felt fine to me
Well said!
Delves are a cake walk did my whole on teir 11s. But at the same time M+ isn't for everyone. Like I don't want or ask to start a group to clear M+ and I am a tank player.
7:17 Adding stuff to the right slides use right back until Delves S1.
Delves are easier than S1, its a fact specially with tank Brann. Also its your opinion dont think you should apologize for giving your opinion.
I think you've got a great point. I only care to solo, I don't have the spare time to commit to a guild – as much as I wanted to a while ago. I'd love a challenge mode like T11's in S1 that have ONLY cosmetic rewards (that are actually appealing!). But I dont trust Blizzard to do this without affecting the rest of the Delve player base (the other players in these comments). I loved gearing myself up through delves last season and pushing myself to complete all T11's solo, now T11's are part of my progression, that has gone a little, but with gearing being a bit slow upfront, I don't think it'll be noticeable.
As I said; They are — FUN — now. Challenge =/= Fun for everyone. If you want challenge, we have plenty of content for you already (M+, Raiding, Pvp)
Relaxed playing only has delves and leveling.
Man you were 100 about how you felt and asked a question did not push your ideas on anyone and anyone who thought you did are the same people I get caught watching shorts of Karen's flipping out for way to long laughing my ass off at how dumb people can be that fill anything that does not support there idea 110% is not saw as someone else opinion but an attack on them they lack the ability to exist with other people and be ok with ideas and thoughts that are not there own . And with that all said they are to easy for what they are I set out to unlock 4-11's and jumped in a group for 4 and 5 and blew through them and thought maybe I'll try to solo a couple next thing I know I had unlocked 11s and went on a world tour and knocked out all of the delvs on 11 with no new gear and out of them all I might of had 2 deaths and that was all on me getting in a hurry or losing focus and watching TV something that I would not even think about in a M+ 2 or higher or heroic much less mythic raiding this early
Soul, just a note to say you are not crazy, its okay to ask the question you asked, and it amazes me that the FOMO crowd can't see that both sides of this coin aren't necessarily directly tied to one another. You can explain that content can be accessible and modifiable until you are blue in the face, all they have is fear that suddenly they wont be allowed to have what others achieved.
For myself, as a person who knows they are not the best gamer by ANY brush of the stroke, all this talk of people who are finding it too easy being a bunch of elitist is a bit too much for my ego.
(Edit: Anecdote from last night that proves NOTHING alone but still is relevant when added to the whole – I play with my wife, we enjoy (usually) duo-ing delves together. She is super-duper casual, not a video gamer, and has recently switched from Ret Pali to BM Hunter; she was terrified of T8s last season, and it was like pulling teeth to get her to come this weekend to finish grinding her delve tier access up. Anyway, mid T7 run as my BDK, we realize my Brann had randomly dropped his curios and spec settings, he was running around role-less. Next words out of her mouth: "Wow, it kinda feels like they made things a lot easier?" The good news, is she seems pretty jazzed realizing that T11s actually are within her reach, and I love that she feels included – and my 'elitist' butt wouldn't want to take that from her for anything.)
I aslo think up to teir 8 was incredibly easy. My Disc priest could easily solo 11 with Brann tank but my warlock would have no chance right now.
I love delvs. I no longer have the time to sink into mythic or raids. So i solo delvs which is perfect for me. I am sitting around level 8 and i am okay with that. I am not trying to get the best gear or highest level anymore. I am trying to have fun with the game. With delvs I don't have to wait for anyone. I can hop on when ever I get some time and have some fun. I think the difficulty is fine.
Totally agree. Maybe keep the power level related progression around where it is so everyone can get their hands on the best ilvl stuff, but there should absolutely be something after delve 11. Blizzard should get few different kind of reward tracks going on, where the rewards are not better gear, but maybe emotes, attack animations, stuff for the new house, cosmetics, titles and so on.
This kind of stuff could be given as a reward for those who want the challenge. Then being busy and having other things to do and being able to play only 20 minutes every other day would not lead into weaker character. But if you are able to play only that 20 minutes every other day, you absolutely should not have everything and this should be just fine in my opinion 🤔
Easy on my tanks………not easy on my island geared DPS.
I was surprised on how much better delves were this patch. Way improved, bran actually helped when it got progressively harder. Enjoyed the challenge, can’t wait to try them all now. It be cool if they brought delves to the old world
I'll be honest I've done a bunch of delves and a couple dungeons the dungeons were depletes and I've got about a 75% completion rate for delves. My main concern with delves is it makes me feel like m+ is a waste of my time just as much as last season. For context I used to get aotc and do like 5-10 keys pretty much every season before s1 tww
Damn…comments are brutal and regardless of what your opinion is on difficulty, it’s pretty awful for people to be so toxic in how they express their disagreement. I appreciate that you take such a respectful, friendly, open-minded, and genuine tone with your content, even as you will inevitably be responded to otherwise. Thank you.
Videos like this one is why Blizzard is pushed towards elitist people and everything else is left behind.
I have to say that I have found delves in season two easier having completed ones all the way up and including tier 11 already, so I do feel like they could do with being slightly more difficult. I do understand why some players might be concerned about that though, myself included, as I wouldn't want the difficulty ramped up too high only to end up shutting out alot of casual players who feel like they have only just got end game content and are worried about losing it because the difficulty level is set too high. I think it was a mistake them not having more challenging higher level tiers that are more of an optional thing like in season 1 though, for players who enjoy that sort of content.
I think solo delves are good currently. However when you try to do a full group in an 11 the nemesis mobs have like 100mil hp. I've killed raid bosses faster then some of those mobs.
I don't get how anyone can say they're easier. Brann throws the potions slower. Uses the orb about half as much. He's squishier. He lost his AoE protection. His new relics are buggy AF. He CBA to med up out of combat half the time. I guess none of this matters if you're a tank with self-healing that doesn't need Brann in the first place, but have some perspective. There is only a 39 item level raise this season over the previous cap of 639.
The crawgs in ES9 have an instant bite that does 3 million damage to plate DPS on a T11. If there are two of them in a pack and they both use this move at the same time, non-tank characters just die immediately with no counterplay. There are numerous packs in Nightfall Sanctum with five or even six mobs in them, that can't be separated and can collectively melee on plate for upwards of 4 million white damage every two seconds, not counting their specials! All this would be fine if you could use tank Brann as DPS, but not only does he just die anyway, he dies after pulling three packs onto you with Heroic Leap when you were trying to be judicious, and then after you rez he berates you for not having a strategy.
we playes with 3 not this great geared alts a 11 we unlocked with the mains this we. We had a good challenge but then we had big problems with the Goblin Boss that calls more and more Goblins. He had so mutch HP with three players that we coud not kill him befor he got like 12 helpers around and woud onehit the Tank and then the rest. Alone he had not to mutch HP and you coud kill him pretty fast with sum CC and he left like 3 extra Goblins.
I don't mind them being easier this season. I'd rather they were harder / same as last time and gave increased loot up to level 11 but they clearly hate the idea of solo content so if they're not willing to make the loot better then delves damn well be doable faster. My prot paladin-ass deffinitely would like to see mob HP cut in half.
It’s very easy I did a 11 as a ret pala with healer bran ilvl630 with no problems