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BlizzCon 2026 CONFIRMED – What This Means for WoW!

BlizzCon is officially back in 2026, and we will be there! 🎉 But what does this mean for World of Warcraft? With BlizzCon returning on September 11-12, 2026, at the Anaheim Convention Center, expectations are through the roof. Could this be where we finally get major reveals for Midnight, The Last Titan, or even hints at WoW’s future beyond these expansions?

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BlizzCon has always been a huge event for Blizzard fans, but after recent years of uncertainty, many have wondered if the event would ever return in full force. So, what’s next for WoW, Diablo, Overwatch, and Blizzard as a whole? Will we see cinematic trailers, new expansion features, and maybe even surprises we didn’t expect?

Join us as we break down what this means for WoW’s future, the community, and what we hope to see at BlizzCon 2026. And if you’re attending, let’s meet up! 💙

#BlizzCon2026 #WorldofWarcraft #WoWExpansion #BlizzardEntertainment #Warcraft #WoWNews #WoWUpdate #BlizzConHype

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  1. Briefly saw a post about it but didn't realize it was 2026 until you guys mentioned it lol. It does seem like its going to be big if they are announcing it now but I've felt soo pessimistic towards Blizzard last few years it hard to get super excited.

    Also since it seems like 2026 will be the "big" announcement, Im afraid Midnight will be more of the same hamster wheel content we are used to. Kind of hoping for a WoW 2.0 for 2026 but idk if they can pull it off honestly. I know im super negative but I really do want them to succeed and I want to have fun playing WoW again.

  2. I would love to go and meet you but 1.5 years is a long planing & a long way for me 😅 they need to cook something special not only because its so long, its also in september not november. Maybe they announce something and want the release also in 2026? 😅 i would go crazy if they announce a second film or even better a series. It needs to be something big when they announce it 1.5 years before so no news to HotS 😂

  3. My Prediction for Blizzcon 2026:
    1. Overwatch 3 Electric Boogaloo PvE mode.
    2. No new Starcraft RTS, but Hey, we heard you wanted a Starcraft on Mobile as a Battle Royale!
    3. Ion comes out and announces he's getting hair implants with Chris Metzen coming out in a Thrall outfit yelling "FOR THE HORDE"

  4. how can borowed power be right ? the issue with borowed power its the " borowed part" means its going away after the expac ends , its not borowed power if they gonna make it right , i still don't understand what is a borowed power done right.

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