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How To Quickscope Faster in CODM (Tips & Tricks)

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  1. Hello Night just 1 question what is your fov u daid u like low fov but never said wich just curious because i have always played high fov but i took a break and when i came back my eyesight was worse

  2. Es una pena que ya no puedo snipear 😂, mi teléfono se quedó corto desde las últimas actualizaciones… Tengo 4 snipers diamantes: Dlq, Artic, Locus y Tundra, incluso… Pero, ya no tengo el mismo rendimiento en mi celular

  3. 4:38 I personally use an app called "Crosshair Pro" which has tons of different crosshair and its styles. And dont worryCODM officially allows third-party apps for crosshair as pro players had it on in the Champs.

  4. Bro ur tips has helped me a lot in my gaming and since it was tough tryna get better while doing school but now i hit some crazy clips infront of my friends, all the best, ggs

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