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I seen hashtag therace
U didn't put the pictures for nuke town
U forgot the mid one on raid
Moment when he choked 2 swarms. lol. Also, this isn't "ALL" hardpoints. he didnt even cover DLC maps @_@
thanks that was useful
Hijacked is not correct what so ever
Just discovered you and subbed.
I bloody hate hardpoint but it's pretty difficult to avoid in league.
3:47 SIT DOWN!!! I'm trying to play basket ball.
wat yo gamertag mine is betterthanu2737 i am actually a guy this is my sises profile
He forgot one on raid the middle with the rocks
to stay flexible and ready
Lov hardpoint
Thanks man!!!
wow just found an working hack for BO2 Master prestige at:
This guy down there said dogs n swarm are banned in league, there not my team got a swarm. In public match there arent try hards on hardpoint, nobody knows what theyre doing and its easy dude u just fucking suck. The commentater forgot about the last hardpoint on raid
please guys i am tired of being playing with noobs, add me to work as a team PS3: ChirosGaming
mman now that everyone is using op guns c4 and vsat dogs swarm this gamemode is unplayable like every single lobby is full of tryhards you join in losing and the enemy has a vsat up its not even fun its better to play it in league play because the bullsit is already banned there
Dude I love to shoot the basketballs with my guns and try to get it in the hoop too!
he did nuketown
u forgot to do nuketown , grind, hydro,mirage,downhill, studio, magma, vertigo, encore u hav alot to do
shut up it's jus text talk
B DOM WE GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!