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#codm #codmbr #cod #callofduty #codmobile
Your stream on tiktok was hilarious I had a good time😂
400mlien like 👍 👌 ❤
This dude might be thee best br codm player today…jmo
I know I can watch this all day long 😂
Freaky cool
That was insane bro..
I love you lotex❤️💯🙏
12:45 dope aiming brother
Big fan
7:50 my enemy crush me😂
Hi, I just wanted to ask about the system of your game br sitting like I mean what system you changed in your game in Br sitting because your shooting gun and also running was so amazing and I love it, So can you tell me about your Br sitting what you changed there if you don't mind?
john wick
Very satisfying Bro, Keep it up
f.b.6.8 thể thao xanh chín
Cara joga o fino do fino.
Your speed bro enlightened me on the speed adjustments
Tiene jaque como sabe la direcion del enemigo adonde esta siempre y por donde viene
Nothing but AMAZING💀
❤❤❤veey good
14:29 wow
Pure cheater
Está em outro nível, instinto superior cod kkk
I watched this in 2x speed and it was soooo interesting to watch lol! great content!
پینگ 20:
صندلی مخصوص:
تو خونه بدون اینکه کسی مزاحمت بشه:
que bestia
Buena !
your goooood!!❤
Well done lotex