Arthas Reforged event is coming soon, but Blizzard remains silent. However, now we have some possible news from a new alleged datamine. Is this Arthas, and is it coming already tomorrow?
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#warcraftrumble #OldGuardian
Blizzard just confirmed that Lich King will not be released this week. We should know more next week: "Update on the info, I wont have anything to share until next week at the earliest. I can say that the team is working on a few things that have been asked for, as well as, quite a few balance changes/bugfixes. LK info will be included in that info. He is not releasing on March 12th."
They didn’t forget entirely. They had that short video about Tyrion getting frozen
Cant wait to get a frostwyrm as unit
I hate the stupid missions… heroic, mythic craaaaap
Go Taiwanese! ❤
Why the fk is he alliance? I'd get it more if it's Death Knight Arthas, but wtf?
best counter to remulos
F*ck the mythic missions I hope they don’t do them again in the same fashion
They better add the Northrend Map, or it's not really the lichKing
Genuinely expected someone like Bolvar Fordragon to be a more fitting Undead/Alliance, given that he is undead, but still has alliegance to the Alliance. Arthas betrayed the Alliance lmfao. Feels weird that he'd still be aligned with that despite trying to destroy it
the passive its exactly what i thought was gonna to be, the freezing storm its disappointing ,look, the new skeletons aply frost ,the lich king itself aply frost effect, its just not aoe, BUT, also one the best ranged's units,if not the BEST, the ogri mage with talent aply frost on aoe, so i think freezing storm its left to be desired, would be best if/ should have a damage aura like fire elemental talent or a stacking aura wich increases the damage over time the enemy spend fighting close to arthas or even like a wow dk mop talent remorseless winter, enemys spend close to arthas gets stunned for 2 sec if in this aura for something betwen 3 to 5 seconds
I was expecting them to save Arthas for a Northrend expansion. Would be nice to see the PVE map growing with more continents. 😅 But I guess you can only do so much with budget cuts and a small team.
They must improve pve content with new raid but they jump to wotlk when they could create tbc content..all the outland maps more azeroth regions asap..c'mon what's wrong with this?..i dunno..😅
I think blizzard is gonna push the event back to polish some things!! Otherwise the marketing team probably didn't get the memo 🤷♂️
Those talents are so bad lol … Better be fan made
OG, ty for video. so we could also get him as first star on the 9th day kind of..? After you defeat him on frozen throne i mean. We will see. Just pondering, how to : wait with the boost slot from tomorrow’s raid
That slow talent would be broken….I'd just get long ranged minis with Arthas.
so, no news for the next rework mini/leader of the new season? like tirion?:/
No creo que Blizzard intente cosas mas osadas que minis nuevas iconicas y algun que otro cambio , a rumble le faltan mecanicas mas profundas
They should've add a dread lord. A pure undead leader with lots of abilities like carrion swarm, vampuric aura and sleeping a target.
so arthas chicken combo will be seen everywhere
looks super weak
75 dps? hmkay
What is 100% The case. He will be OP as fuck Like every new Hero. They want all your Money ptw like always.
I hope his ability is not summoning skeletons, otherwise it has too much intersection with Rivendare
Its so weird that almost all split leaders are part undead… why not do like an Illidan Leader cenarion / beast split or something first.
Seems very powerful, Cheat Death with the Apocalypse talent would be a great way to get more value out of the skeletons Arthas summons. Polymorph would also be useful for making it easier to get skeletons, Witch Doctor for the shield, maybe Priestess to heal Arthas, Quillboar to pull aggro away from him and maybe either Ghoul for more melee or Execute to finish off bigger units.
Cash grab for strong Q1 revenue only to be nerfed into the ground in 3 months
So these infinitely level scaling missions are here to stay?
So, no new raid or Siege….😢
출시일이 언제입니까
From this info it seems like I will level up my DH all the way up…😢
If this file was encrypted, then how did they manage to decrypt it?
first omfg