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STOP Doing This BIG MISTAKE When Sniping In Codm (Ego Sniping)

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  1. I learned this the hard way by dying to pistols using sniper players in china codm, where ego culture with melees dont seem to exist. Do you think players are trash if they use secondary guns?

  2. I never wanted to use pistols as secondary. Ofc I had rough times with players who uses pistols or melees you to death whenever their shots miss. That didn't change me to play their way. I just brute forced through it. Now I have controlled hyper movements with melees whilst maintaining accuracy.

    I also thank a certain movement YouTuber for this. One of the reasons why I still knife switch.
    And so on and so forth, I will keep committing to knife switches always trying to hone my aim and movement all together. ❤️🥂

  3. Put on the stippled grip makes it swap like an assault knife, and im my opinion it that attachment alone makes the machine pistol the best secondary in the game, since you can swap to it the fastest not to mention the TTK up close.

  4. Damn, watching this video makes me feel that a sniper should not have any secondary weapon whatsoever. Its just too OP in a pro player's hand. Its one shot kill 90% of times.

    Im not saying it doesn't require any skill. It does. But its highly rigged and OP.

  5. Zeke be chilling bro 😊😊😊no complications…. He's the reason why I stopped doing some funny things while sniping..I mean like unnecessary things man especially weapon switching even when not needed😌😌😌

  6. Bro do you have a low sensitivity, cos your aim is pretty accurate and your screen doesnt move that much. Can you recommen if i should use acceleration speed or just the default ones. Cheers bro

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