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Best WoW Classic PvP Addons in 2025 | World of Warcraft Era, Season of Discovery, 20th Anniversary

New to PvP or even just wanting an advantage? This is a video covering my favorite WoW Classic PvP addons that I personally consider must haves before fighting other players. Most of these addons not only help with PvP but can also be useful in PvE as well as being able to be use on any version of World of Warcraft Classic including Era, Hardcore, Anniversary, or Season of Discovery to increase your potential and advance your situational awareness. All the add-ons seen in this video can be downloaded off of

Player made WeakAuras for Classic can be found here:

While testing the latest and greatest addons for World of Warcraft PvP, we analyzed compared, and selected what we thought were the most impactful tools for players in 2025. This video helps viewers maximize their performance and gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of WoW PvP. If you want to see clips of Epic WoW PvP Battles, Insane WoW PvP Moments, Ranked WoW PvP Gameplay, Ultimate WoW PvP Guides, or other WoW Battleground Dominance, check out my YouTube shorts or Twitch stream!

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0:00-0:38 Intro
0:39-1:51 Honorable Mentions
1:52-2:30 OmniBar
2:31-2:52 ClassicCastbars
2:53-3:10 ClassicAuraDurations
3:11-3:59 BigDebuffs
4:00-4:45 WeakAuras
4:46-5:05 Bonus Addon
5:06-5:43 Outro

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  1. Solid video! Just wanted to throw one out there named "Decursive". You and alot of other people probably already know about it, but having more people actually dispelling is always good.

  2. Classic Castbar use to be amazing but he doesn’t update it anymore so the SOD specific spell immunities don’t show up as uninterruptible. They also added castbars to the default classic UI but I guess the addon is still good for the interrupt stuff that it does work with it!

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