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I thought you were going to drop me off the open there. I didn’t see the other group/forgot to check. A little too panicky on the clicks too. I can shut her up so you don’t hear the mistakes. Did you know that? I do like the voice too. Anyway. I was in the hardware store earlier today getting a few things and the Taylor Swift song where she says “Why can’t you see, you belong with me” and I was like, wow what a stalker girl. She still can’t get over me eh. Actually you know what happened? She became too expensive. They won’t even let me near her. She’s too valuable for me to have. Oh well. Did you see Donald bombing the middle east again. That didn’t take long eh? Did they even attack anything yet? or were they bombed because of a “threat”. How do you even make a threat anyway? Google already called me a violent terrorist organization or whatever and now you’re killing innocent people again. Why is it ok if he does it but not when “he” does it? How stupid are you people anyway? No know what I’m actually tired of? The shit-posting. That stuff should be banned entirely. It’s everywhere all the time and you expect me to want to interact with these people who need a dog for emotional support or whatever? At least some of you are active with or because of the dog but why aren’t you doing that with your wife or girlfriend then? This whole thing I’m doing is actually tiring and you say it’s worth nothing because no one watches. I don’t even understand what that means anymore. Is “watch time” somehow what consciousness is focused on because if that’s so that makes no sense. Why would I want to watch what all of you are watching. The shock and awe of you destroying something doesn’t amaze me at all. It makes me hang my head in shame on your behalf while simultaneously holding my head up because I am proud of who I am and where I’m from and it’s not your country. It’s my country. You see how in my country the leader who’s running the shop wasn’t even elected and do you also see how I don’t even care? He knows he’s not a dictator. The fucking banker had to step in because he knew the country was forced to take me to zero because I know how to and am capable of pressing that button. Now it’s up to you to determine what has value. Destroying it does not give it value. Making more than you need does not make it valuable. I was out cleaning the car before I made this video and right as I was finishing up the second round the neighbor asked me about the rims. I said I never took the summers off. That was after this winter too. I want to see what these insurance companies are betting against. HE asked me how it drove in the snow on summer tires, thinking I’d lie or something. I told him it drove like shit but I got it. It doesn’t matter what you have. If you have a good driver, you’ll make it. The only way you’re taking that from me is if you or someone you know hits it. I’ve tapped it a few times. Gotta see if it works. Yo Honda that CVT into the redline while in sport mode plus the S gear is slippery. Once the computer was bouncing it off the red line and I let it because you said it would shift. Don’t worry, our power curve response expectation was off so the next time I did it you shifted fine but there was a car in the way so I couldn’t test fully. Well, it’s a you or me challenge isn’t it? Are you in control or am I? The only time I can do it is on the highway on ramp. That’s why the cops sit there. They clock the launch. They don’t care about you guys that much. Sure they’ll tag you but they’re sitting there hoping they get a show because I’ll blast right past them and pull over as they’re still putting their coffee down. Sorry what happened? Got it on camera? Well whatever then. See ya in court and i’ll ask for this years crash report because I’ve already seen the report on me and mine and the insurance company will be forced to admit it. I’ll make them fold the premium because of your stupidity and because you wasted my time. Then i’ll point out the other things you’ve been doing to me where again you have ZERO evidence to backup. You see how no one seems to have anything and everyone keeps folding. What do you think this is. It’s a pick where the global conflict is and focus there. Why don’t you mind your own business and stop lying or putting on a show lying about people. You see what happens? Now scale it up and you have entire countries believing lies about each other or themselves. If you’re so powerful then why aren’t people getting along? What’s hold up? Which god has a problem with what I have said or done so far because if you want a historical representation of how I feel about weather events, well, have a look around and ask yourself who you have a problem with because I guarantee you, it’s not me. You don’t even know who I am and even if you call me out, I literally don’t care. I’m listening to music most of the time but you said it’s copyright so fine I wont share that part. Who owns what again?


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