250 CS at 20 MINUTES!? How YOU can FARM like the GOD CHOVY!
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0:00 – Introduction
1:13 – QOTD
1:50 – Last Hitting Tricks
5:08 – Mid to Late Game Farming Tricks
9:00 – Pushing Out Side Waves
12:34 – Outro
#lolguides #leagueoflegends #skillcapped
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Today i farmed 1683 cs in 10 minutes
Delete Yone
My main Lillia they hate right now feels like 8% ban rate 🙁 x.x
"Sometimes it best to not pay your taxes…" Say no more, already on it!
i hate no mana champs. some champs play urf
10 CS, I can't even get above 4.
my problem as a midlaner is when midgame arrives my whole team comes mid and plays aram me going to the sidelanes, to get cs , theyll just suddenly start fights without you having impact, teams are random coinflips all of the times, either u cs and ur team ints or u dont get the cs and may win the fight or u might still loose it, also often the support just randomly comes mid taxing so much exp throwing me behind well whatever eventually itll get better I hope so atleast
stop putting up fake videos.. lies
If you're trying to play like this in bronze or silver forget about it. You'll end up losing cuz you wont be in all the pointless river team fights. Your team mates will start inting you
morgana nerf q duration
i'd report my mid laner by taking my jg camps gn acc
the numbers you are saying like "30% of the time" or "70% of the time they will play right". Do you have a database on that? Or are you just throwing those out to fool people?
I get 50 CS the entire game 💀
'You will never miss many waves by playing agressive'. But your team will flame you and someone will come to collect the wave for you lol.
If Dopa and Faker had a baby, he'd be Chovy!
Something that people should realize is see how their champion interacts with minions. For example, I'm a Lux main, and I've observed a lot of patterns with csing with Lux. Level 3 E at Level 5 allows me to clear the back wave with just an E and an auto with passive. With csing under tower, for the melee minion if it's full health let it take two tower shots then auto to get it. For the back wave attack it once and then let the tower hit it and then attack it again. When in doubt, use E. Especially for the cannon minion. If you wanna shove fast and your enemy laner recalled + there's no risk of being ganked(vision priority) you can hold Lux E in the enemy tower where the wave is walking, and then Q to hold the two melee minions and then pop, then use E again and then you can push easily and steal some turret platings. Just see how your champion's kit interacts with minions. You will get better at csing that way. Try to reach an average of 10 cs per minute, having 150 cs at 15 mins is pretty good already. Goodluck 🙂
Diana is too strong. Constant gank junglers ruin the game. Especially if they have so much mobility that your vision does not matter.
Now now now how do i think of my team as a competitive team in iron 2??
I would nerf Diana's base damage and increase her ability modifiers so she cannot build sunfire as her core item and still deal assasain damage.
Leblanc is the hardest champion to cs with
Cho' Gath. when he's fed he can grow as big as a tower and cancel your ult. My E and R were both useless against him.
Yoni, this champ is stupid strong imo.
Since this video I've been getting double my usual cs, it's still not a perfect 250 like his, but I've still been getting 200cs every 20 minutes consistently. It's been helping me win a lot more skirmishes cause of the extra damage I get from the item leads the extra gold gives. Thank you a lot ❤️
Got it. So it's okay to overextend and run it down with a bounty as long as you kill the whole wave before dying 😎 I'll be Challenger in no time!
I finally get 250 cs at min 20!
My adc:
I know it's a 10 month old video but I must answer this: ever since I played against a Samira Lux matchup with my bf with Ezreal Yuumi, we ban them every time. He couldn't ult Samira because she kept spamming her skill every time. Funny thing is, I ban Samira and he bans Lux, not vice versa. I just hope they nerf Samira, she can dodge ult with a skill from ever angle, unlike Yasuo
I know I'm a little late on this, but I really hate dealing with Irelia. I think it's something to do with her unpredictable mobility and the weird hitbox on her stun, but I just don't understand how you're supposed to fight her, nor how to play safely against her. I just end up banning her every time I play top.
I do play like this but I’m bad at casing even though every game I’m around 7-8 cs/min
Qotd: definitely senna. Infinitely scaling crit and range plus a slow on every auto. Fking stupid
Morgana’s root last way too damn long.
"Ots very easy to find opportunities to take your junglers blue/gromp lvl 1 such as;"
Wtf haha like this is high level shit. Stop ✋
QOTD: Tahm Kench….. need I say more? 🤔
You just rambling