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Classic Hardcore Moments #168

Classic Hardcore Moments 168
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Featured Players in This Video:
1. SpitfireSR
3. Maurslukeren
4. Mithsploit
7. Widdlegnomey
8. fgnomer
11. joycourier
12. Blueheal
13. Kanax1212
15. WadRambo
18. profpock

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Music by EpidemicSound

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  1. 10:55 Its been a minute sionce ive been in BRD but IIRC the mob that spawns when the painting opens has an RNG location so these guys had back luck on that pull to start and in the back you can see the troll opening the cofferes and im pretty sure he opened all of them causing the golems to spawn. I think the pack that comes is with Doomgrip but its possible that was an ass pull too

    The crazy amount of stars that had to allign for this nonsense to happen is incredible lol

  2. First clip will literally never happen if you just type "Okay one candle at a time after the boss dies" before engaging the Orc boss.

    Second clip, if he clicked LIP and jumped out the window he would have lived.

    Third clip, literally all he had to do was nothing after touching the teleporter to go back up.

    Fourth clip, that's what the game was made for, you love to see a gaming gamer.

    Fifth clip, he lived so no biggie but needless to say don't ever walk into a sea of red health bars.

    Sixth clip, always impressive how a fight can have literally two mechanics and the players who have one button to press manage to mess it up.
    Just keep your eyes on your debuffs and move away WHEN you get it, not IF. Also, all the ranged should be tightly stacked not loosely stacked.

    Seventh clip, just clear the pack, it's literally that easy. Spend 45s to clear the pack and save hours of played time lost to your expedience. Dude was the tank, so it was his responsibility to pull. IF you are ever in a group with a tank who recommends a dumb skip like this, say "No, lets clear the pack for safety in case we need to flee later on" and they should comply.

    Eighth clip, great taste poor execution, don't put yourself in range of melee elites in general as a healer. I respect the gumption to pepper in some auto attack damage though.

    Ninth clip, don't run gnomer with hunters, don't invite hunters, and always hug the wall as you go down the ramp. I have never seen a Gnomer hallway clip on this channel that didn't end up here because of some hunter's pet asspulls a legion of enemies. Also, if you pop a swiftness pot, JUST RUN FFS.

    Tenth clip, another embarassing OnlyFangs leadership fail. this is why you have the group stay before the bridge and have a hunter pull the surger.

    Eleventh clip, dueling a mage as a warrior OMEGALUL bro got so lucky that he had full wbuffs + other guy was dented.

    Twelfth clip, don't split the giants, and use always carry a stack of LIPS.

    Thirteenth clip, there are so many safe way outs in BRD including, but not limited to, leave group and petri flask. Keybind the flask, right click portrait leave group. Easy.

    Fourteenth clip. Shaman moment lol. If you have a shaman in your group just do the fight normally you'll be fine.

    Fifteenth clip. always be aware of your line of sight to your healer. Simple.

    Sixteenth clip. Always a shock to see people so high level play so poorly. Woulda been better to have a ranged kite moira and the warriors both work on Thaurissan

    Seventeenth clip, when you're in a getting-fucked-by-wolves contest and your opponent is a priest with no eyes covered in wolf mating pheromones. dude literally could stand and fight against one wolf just fine but goes and pulls 30 more

    eighteenth clip, cheers big ears.

    nineteenth clip, iconic end to the episode.

    Thanks for the upload. Looking forward to the next!

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