First step Turn on tap and hold to ads Now whenever you slide press the ads button and you got it .
U can also do it by the ads to fire button and if u do it with ar and smg then make sure to turn off tap ads button to fire immediately so as to stop hip fire.
To Tap to ads players i reccomend that u either switch to tap and hold or use ads to fire button for slide cancel bcz it takes time and alot of practice for double tapping it several times.
Bruh im am using gyro and im using the tap and hold ads i am used to it because i played pugi how to slide cancel with the tap and hold ads button and should i use bot ads button and ads fire button for slide cancel ?
Yo night I get it ik how to slide cancel but urs look different to ganyth, sisco and the others (in a better way) and I've only seen you and velocity codm do it like that. any idea why?
Hi Night!Thank you very much for making this video. I have been practicing this technique recently. In addition, I would like to ask you how to quickly switch between running and walking. I can‘t let the character quickly switch to the running state while being able to walk.
How I get free cp point like you
Hello buddy
Bro make a video on missing shots
I seriously need this tutorial cuz I don't slide cancel at all😂
1:40 time, do you click inspection button or it automatically do inspection after switching?
Can you give us you code sens and code hud pls also great video 🔥
How to slide cancel with backslide?
Yo night can you give me battle pass please my user muzhokidy
imo the smoothest thing here is your perfect gyro scoping ❤🔥
Idk how to do as smooth as yours and i use tap and hold to ads, is that fine?
First step
Turn on tap and hold to ads
Now whenever you slide press the ads button and you got it .
U can also do it by the ads to fire button and if u do it with ar and smg then make sure to turn off tap ads button to fire immediately so as to stop hip fire.
To Tap to ads players i reccomend that u either switch to tap and hold or use ads to fire button for slide cancel bcz it takes time and alot of practice for double tapping it several times.
Night the goat is back baby
How to turn on that one tap gun swap button?
Bruh pls reply 🙏🏻
Code sens and code hud ❤❤❤
The best sniper ❤night 🌙 yt❤i love you ❤
Am I the only one only one who noticed nights YouTube logo looks like a dlq 33 grim ending? 🧐
U needa 1v1 ganyth!!!
Does it also work in "tap and hold to ads"?
Tank you so much Now i can slide cancel❤
Bruh im am using gyro and im using the tap and hold ads i am used to it because i played pugi how to slide cancel with the tap and hold ads button and should i use bot ads button and ads fire button for slide cancel ?
Ara ara, sorry I'm late Nighto kun..;-;)
Yo night I get it ik how to slide cancel but urs look different to ganyth, sisco and the others (in a better way) and I've only seen you and velocity codm do it like that. any idea why?
yoo night yt finally took my comment into action after I asked abt it! Thanks man ur the goat
Bro,I've waited for this video
my slide cancel ain't moving smoothly as yours
thanks for the tip night
Bro gyro k baad bhe aim itna stable kaise rakhte ho??? 😊😊
Hi Night!Thank you very much for making this video. I have been practicing this technique recently. In addition, I would like to ask you how to quickly switch between running and walking. I can‘t let the character quickly switch to the running state while being able to walk.
Night the goat 🐐🗿
Can i do it with 2 fingers ??
Thank you for tip sinper ❤