Yojamba Isle
Yojamba Isle is a small island, home to the Zandalar Tribe. It is located in the northwestern corner of Stranglethorn Vale, near the border with Westfall and northwest of the Haunted Isle and The Vile Reef. This is the primary location for information, quests, and rewards related to Zul’Gurub.
From here, one may receive quests to go into Zul’Gurub and get certain items. When these items are in your possession and you have high enough reputation, you may turn in the quest for rewards. Also, at friendly reputation, you may receive, free of charge, a necklace from your class master on the island (the one who gives the class-specific quests). Return to the class master at each new reputation level for an upgrade to the necklace.
There is also a vendor that sells high-level crafting profession recipes, for which you must have the correct reputation. You can also turn in honor tokens to purchase Zanza potions at revered and shoulder enchants at exalted.
Hakkari Bijous and Zul’Gurub Coins can be turned in for bonus reputation instead of used in the quests. Take bijous to the altar on the island and right click them. They will be destroyed and you will gain a good amount of reputation. Turn in coins in groups of three outside the altar for extra reputation.
The Spirit of Zandalar does not persist through death (you loose it if you die), but you can receive it while in ghost/spirit form (while you are dead). The Spirit of Zandalar drops on Yojamba Isle and in Booty Bay. Increases movement speed by 10% and all stats by 15% for 2 hours.
Spirit of Zandalar
Heart of Hakkar
The Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer is a buff given to characters when someone in Stormwind or Orgrimmar turns in the head of Onyxia or Nefarian. Alliance characters need to turn in the head to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon and Horde characters need to give the head to Thrall. When the head is turned in, all characters in Stormwind or Orgrimmar will receive a 2 hour buff that improves spell critical chance by 10%, melee and ranged critical chance by 5%, and adds 140 attack power.
Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer
Head of Nefarian
The Lord of Blackrock
Head of Onyxia
Victory for the Alliance