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WoW’S NEW MEGA VILLAIN Is On K’Aresh & No One Is Talking About It!

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

So you’ve all seen what appears to be the portal to K’aresh in 11.1 but literally no one is talking about this. K’aresh is exactly what a successful void corrupted Azeroth would look like. Recent lore indicates that it also had a world soul just like Azeroth that fell to the Void Lords Dimensius the All Devouring. This means that there is literally a gigantic titan void monstrosity roaming around the universe, a villain on the scale of Sargeras if not larger that no one is mentioning. According to Chris Metzen the void battle in Midnight will be the biggest battle in history which as you can imagine will cause the void to mobilize all the weapons they can get and this guy is going to be coming after us. Also we are going to K’aresh – as a destroyed planet K’aresh is within the void realm which means this is the place where Void Lords can actually manifest themselves. They are said to be stronger than the titans just unable to manifest in the material plane which means this might be our first interaction with the true mindblowing power of a void lord. So what exactly happened to the K’aresh world soul and is this really the next villain?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. The "Void Titan" is An'shuul, the Cosmic Wanderer. But the twist is; it's also An'she, the Eternal Sun. It is a being that travels the cosmos, and switches bewteen Light and Void. It's like a naaru, but on a whole different power level.

  2. Xal'Atah is not serving anything else other than her own interest. As such I believe she is seeking to become the byproduct of the world soul itself. Doing to Azeroth what Dimensius allegedly did to K'aresh. We don't know if the conversion process is the same as the Titans, likely it isn't. Therefore I believe for nascent world souls to become void like they need to be absorbed by a void Harbinger or void Lord avatar.
    Xal'Atah could have been that avatar in K'aresh and the whole process just failed.

  3. It's irritating that they keep forcing new reps with people like Goblins or Human factions, even the Aspects. They know we've saved the world multiple times. We've gained exalted with many of the reps they were part of previously. It gets annoying. I'm fine with a race that's never met us – like the Tortollan originally, the mole people underground, etc

  4. i call it now: Wow"first Human" theory. mark my words. TLDR: Zovaal is a robot so he was made by someone. so are the Titans and Naruu. (probably even more like oldgods and and wildsgods)

    let me help you…. Who built Halo? Who build warhammer warp drive? who built the stargate?
    not a god. no mythical creature. Its just a long lost and forgotton civilication. the first ones, the forunners, the acients, or the Age of technology. ITS ALL THE SAME IDEA: its not magic. its technology.
    Proof? who built Zovaal and other eternal ones? who forged Naruu? who made titans and constellars? not the "gods" of wow. just a forgotton civilication

    there is no better explaination of what "the first ones" are.

  5. In the lore they've released about K'aresh is that the planet was attacked by Dimensius but the Ethereals created magic domes that shielded the void energy, but Dimensius also opened up void portals around the planet which caused a huge influx of arcane energy which shattered their bodies, so to contain the arcane soul essence so they would not just dissipate they used bandages to preserve their forms. K'aresh was not destroyed because it bathed in void energy, but arcane energy. This would then mean that the world soul was not converted by the void, it was a failed attack as far as we know in the lore so I think the only void weapon right now is Xal'atath.

  6. "NOBODY is talking about it!"
    ..because people rightly think it's either boring or ridiculous.
    Blizzard knows it can't and doesn't want to bring Warcraft on Azeroth back to dark and gritty non-Disneyrific molly-coddle land, so they cover up this flaw with the "ULTRA-BIG BAD!!"
    they've done it for years now, and Midnight will be no different, I'm sure of that.

  7. Ugh, this would be a rehash of the Burning Legion storyline. Ethereals are the eredar, Xal’Atath is Kil’Jaeden, and we have to defeat the threat of invasion by invading their home world.

  8. None of this matters to me unless blizzard can remove the real world activism from their game. I don't want to have to hear about Trump supporters in the game like the black dragonflight quests. They just keep adding political stuff. Not sure why Americans have to inject activism into everything.

  9. the ethereals home planet was destroyed by the thing inside it emerging as a void lord

    the song that the planet sings is the signal of its pending emergence

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