World Of Warcraft: Secret Out Of Bounds Tunnel?
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I saw this hole into out of bounds during PTR! Of course I did not report it. lol
I am like number 60
Any hints on the root lands?
Tried to go the Azj-kahet/Ringing Deeps way to Beledar in Hallowfall. Made it to Hallowfall about 1/2 way to Beledar but unfortunately it's just an invis wall maze and fatigue land. I'd love to explore right by Beledar and see if there's anything of interest around there. Unfortunately it's probably in fatigue hell.
i wonder why the uninstanced version is so detailed when normally you can never get to see it
"idk what they were thinking" i think they were thinking that it was a mistake and they forgot to add a collider lol not a big deal
Definitely going to have to go exploring there while we still can, take some pics. 😀
It's things like this that remind me that sniffenseeking was a prototype of delving
That darn Lunk.
Wouldn't you get banned for doing this as it would or could be seen as "exploiting"?
In this OOB you can actually get an achievement and even die here. In Azj-Kahet there's a world quest where it requires you to gain 100 Unseeming shift and getting 100 of these both nets you an achievement and if memory serves right you can complete the world quest upon getting the full 100. If you turn left from the building that Nathan broke into at 4:01 you'll find a massive river of Unseeming Shift that grants this ability and when you stack it up to 100 then you'll earn the achievement and if you're not careful and you sit there for too long you'll eventually die from lingering in it. Although this little Undermine RD intro zone has a couple pockets of areas that grant this same spell even before you break into the OOB it's still something interesting I found there by accident.
Great video as always Nathan! Glad to see you doing videos again 🙂
Fly around to beledar
nice find
Amazing that you don't dc from flying in the "void"
I wonder how long it will take them to patch this.
Nice find. Have you done any other exploring around the other side when you first break out?
This is easy!
I'll try
Thank you for the information
Fun will be detected with that little ol hole, it'll be patched out lickity split