We continue to get more pointless by looking at trees in World of Warcraft
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Pointless Top 10: Trees in World of Warcraft | WoWcrendor
Who else thought the list would have all the great trees instead
1:47 – its NAGRAND not NEGREND. How do you pronounce "A" Crendor?
Asmongold sends his regards. Also, great video.
Surprising how Teldrassil isn't number 1.
Nice work! For some reason, you come across very Nixxiom-ish in this video. Not a bad thing, just an observation.
I like the trees in Eversong Woods, it always feels like autumn or spring there, and then Aldrassil in Shadowglen and the rest of the nelf trees in Teldrassil (a tree in and of itself) and Ashenvale are nice, too. Also like Azuremyst Isle trees because they're blue.
They're not trees,they're E X T R A T H I C C MUSHROOMS
I love all the treesx

When you make so much money off of your old videos you can literally upload anything. I love it.
You sure do love panda land dont you?
I love crystal song forest. It's so beautiful. It's a shame there wasn't more quests for the zone. It was one of the best places to grind weapon skills when they still existed in wrath. Grab a dagger / sword on your caster and go hack at the elite living tree mobs. Fun times. Or work on unarmed! My lock has the Knuckle Sandwich feat of strength thanks to Crystal Song Forest.
ummm… does anyone else see the person humanoid thing in the tree at 2:44
pines in eastern plaguelands for nostalgic feels + also maybe duskwood trees
I expected Teldrassil. It's a tree. But also an island. That makes it cool.
MoP: The tree expansion.
There aren't that many golden trees left now crendor.
what about the floating magical trees under Dalaran in Northrend
Surprised no Teldrassil…
top 10 pointless most nostalgic places in WoW
I kinda like the Blackwald Tree in Gilneas. It stands out… Just look at it… Its pure beauty…
The life tree is the best tree ever acctualy he created life on Azeroth..