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Dracthyr Warriors, Mages & More CONFIRMED for The War Within Expansion

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Video Chapters
00:00 Intro
00:36 Previous Interviews & Datamining
01:50 Ion Interview
04:09 Classes Confirmed
05:12 When?
06:28 Starting Experience
07:26 Final Thoughts & Outro

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  1. Is it a consideration for the Dracthyr visage to be some other race than the humanoid one? Like the Dragons could transform in anything, so why you don't have the choice to be a different race than a human/elf mix? Of course with the small futures fit for the Dracthyr visage(horns, scales and etc).

  2. I think lorewise dracthyr druid would make a lot of sense, since they already have the green dragonflight in their DNA, so it should be relatively easy for them to become druids. Only problem is the effort required to make new druid forms, compared to other classes

  3. Like so many have commented here and elsewhere- players want:
    1. More transmog to display on drakthyr form
    2. Evokers being able to be any race for their visage form- or in other words, now that they've been out and seen the world, picking their "race" at character creation is just the form they choose.

    Of course we want all classes for all races, eventually.

  4. you say yes t shaman but no druid? i think opposite. one of the big 5 aspects is ysera f the dream and all druids and while the new 6th aspect is an ex primalist i believe still too soon for those wounds to heal and dracthyr to be shaman yet

  5. Part of me just doesn't care until they fix/add the option for more armor. I get that its a bit wonky but it seems lame that all you see transformed is the shoulders and belt. Worgen transform and got more going on for them, besides it seems at least lame to some degree that I'd rather plan in the "humanoid" form and being able to see the armor over the "dragon" and seeing little to nothing.

  6. i dont play dracthyr but alot of other classes but i like to see nightelf paladins they allrdy can wield sword n shield so why not holy nightelfs

  7. Drachtyr racial abilities are considerably better than any other race. This was balanced with the kit of evoker. I wonder if they’ll move tail swipe and wing buffet into evoker or something. Honestly, just having glide on warrior will make it the go to for pvp, that’s a huge mobility increase.

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