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EA Sports BIG was a subdivision of EA Sports back in the 2000s. Under the brand, EA Sports published games like NFL Street, NBA Street, FIFA Street, Def Jam Vendetta, SSX Tricky, and more! With EA buying Codemasters (Formula 1 game) and Metalhead Software (Super Mega Baseball), there are now plans to build out a new EA Sports subdivision.
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We need those games back I miss the ea sports big era
More SSX pleaaaase, those games still hold up so well and they have so much character, i got into skiing/snowboarding from the SSX series
No lie fifa street On the DS was pretty fire 🔥
Here form the future 5/28/2023 ………. Still waiting on EA BIG!!😢😢
I really do miss EA Sports Big. The “NBA Volumes” was my favorite series. Please bring back…
We need a successor to SSX 3… conquer the mountain… they perfected the gameplay with that one, tight controls, great character and soundtrack…
The game is still a vibe to this day… do THAT again, let it serve as the foundation, but just make it bigger and better. Don’t change what doesn’t need to be changed, just a modernized SSX 3 with all-new content.
🧨 EA BIG Should have Neva stopped!!! I freakin love doing crazy tricks in football, basketball, etc… It's just fun.. Simple. 🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥
Game Awards?
NFL street’s is my favorite
I really Need EA Sports BIG! To come back with all their games! It be freaking sweet if Nintendo Bought their games!
NBA Street
NFL Street
NHL Roller Hockey
MLB Sandlot
Remaster the games already damn !!!
Games now basically use what EA sports big started look at fortnite and knockout city customization and arcade like gameplay and people love it! Imaging playing with the Pat mahomes, or Lamar Jackson, or Aaron Donald in a street football game 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Its a no brainer for EA to do this. im not a fan of ultra realistic sports game. I much prefer arcade sports games so they should have two separate types geared for every player.
if ea sports big return i want it for wwe games sooo bad
They better remaster freekstyle and that baseball game man damn my childhood..
I need them to remaster Freekstyle
Bring back EA Sports BIG, hopefully within the EA expansion, and BRING BACK MY SSX3!!! 😤😩
NBA streets ssx pronto
I hope they bring back all theEA sports big gamesBecause I love that area of games they do I will buy all of them
Please ! I hope this isn’t bring my hopes up.
I don't give a fuck if Codemasters is a part of EA.
Just tell EA to bring EA sports BIG back we need it
Give us another. NBA street, retro style. NFL Street, And Def Jam with NEW artists. Don’t make it a money grabber and we’ll love u forever EA…
Give me fifa street
Game companies today have become FUCKING LAZY, it’s sad I’m literally still playing my OG PS3 playing PS1, PS2, PS3 games. Games are supposed to be better not washed down bland stale and fucking boring.
The Revival should happen for EA Bring back the EA classics # Def jam # NBA Vol2 # And1 street ball # Fight night 2 # NFL STREET 2.
I will coom if this happens
Bring back the 🐐: NBA street vol 2!!
no one it was fifa 22