Learn how to quick scope with 3 easy steps on Call of Duty Modern Warfare. This video provides easy to understand quick scoping walk through tips, so checkout my class setup and try it out.
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1:30 this is hilarious this is why you're my favorite youtuber
The only cod I cannot for the life of me quickscope in is call of duty modern warfare remastered, Not this one not the one being played in the YouTube vudoe but the other one the MWR one cause I literally cannot ducking quickscopw like I do it but my ducking bullet will shoot out all the way to the left or shoot behind me which makes no sense and I never had thsi fucking problem when I play cod 4 on my ps3 like I can quickscopw no problem there but the remaster for it FUCK NO like I don’t get it like u need to be not moving and still and shit and it still one hit the person even if ur at such a. Close distance ur dicks could be touching eachother The bullets will not hit I don’t get it
I just edited my quad kill quickscopes clip Quick scoping is fun
axe 50 😂😂😂😂
U camping vs bots dam lol
What tips do you have for alignment and how make it quicker? That’s probably the only thing I have an issue getting down 100% or the time.
Nice video bro, keep grinding 👌
How is this video not at 100K + views? My son and I were discussing quick scoping. Found this video. One of the most thorough tutorials on the tube. Great content. Great camera work and audio. Please go watch and subscribe folks.
How exactly do you get to the bots on xbox1 ?
This was super helpful thank you !
I want to know how to decrease the scope thingy lol I don’t know what it’s called
So update CodFlix. I'm on day 2 of training and I'm able to quickscope now. I got my first x6. I also understand how or why I shot missed now. I force myself to learn the flick method and drag scoping drills. If I do go negative it's by 8 kills on average at worse. My favorite guns are the kar98k ax50 and spr 208.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. it actually works | https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSX6BTaN/
You played against the bots
ok i have been trying to settle this with my friend he says a quickscope is 3 full seconds where as I think you shoot just before you see the crosshairs who is correct?
Im only comfortable with marksman rifle, is that count ? Just asking
Finally someone that shows you all the ins and outs, think I’ll subscribe now
what should I do if I am low level and can not get the parts like a better scope and barrel and what should I do CODFLIX for online public multiplayer match
Hey man great video. Just curious any detailed advice on drag or flick scoping? Also when you put your crosshairs up do you then only adjust with the left stick? Thx man
What a shit video
I've been using the MK 2 carbine and working on my centring, i just can't settle on a sensitivity that I'm happy with.
Does it work like COD WWII of you click the left thumb stick in while pressing L2 does it have the aim assist rotation?
Hi great video.
Can u clarify the cross hair comment.
R u firing while it’s a black scope Or do u mean fire before the cross hairs center in view? Thanks