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What is Skill Capped?
Skill Capped has one goal in mind: help YOU become a BETTER player FAST! We create guides that ACTUALLY WORK by the TOP PROS and COACHES. We’re so confident we can help you IMPROVE that we back it up with a RANK IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE not found anywhere else!
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Concepts: league of legends,league of legends guide,lol guides,league of legends tips,league of legends season 13,how to get better at league of legends,skill capped,lol tips,lol tips and tricks,league of legends pro guides,how to improve at league of legends,lol coaching,skill-capped,lol low elo,lol gold,lol gold elo,lol escape low elo,lol elo hell,how to climb low elo league of legends,how to escape gold league of legends,lol gold coaching
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how do i deal with a 0/14 inting yasuo mid and a varus 0/10? how do i get out of gold with that much bulshit?
fuck this game
Most players are far worse at this game than they believe that they are.
Im gold 2 with 50LP but I feel that lose streak is behind the corner 🤣
League is not even great for mental health hate it with a passion lol see u guys tonight
dropped from g1 to g4 with avg kd 4 lmao
You cant because game gives you only bronze high and silver 3,4 elo players, that are for some god fucking know what reason in mid gold 2 ranked game
I like to look at my opponents items after i die to them
I checked my mmr, It was plat 2, now it is gold 1 and every game I lost because of my teams
I aint doing shi- wrong but my mates wont listen to calls or just feed what should i do in this position?
their youtube free content is so good that I wonder what more i could get by subscribing lol
And having an kassadin fed is like getting an tractor on your backyard destroying everything
i never use corrupting potion so i answered for the first one "good item, since leblanc focuses on short trades so she can proc it, go all in on kassadin level 3, deal the burn damage and get all her health and mana back when she disengages". why is that wrong?
bullshit, bullshit, bullshit and more bullshit. its a grind system to make money. when u climb, you get matched with tomato IQ retarded bots and u WILL lose no matter how u play.
that potion doesnt do shit.
that freeze doesnt do shit.
the only reason i play this game is because of the dopamine.
the balancing, the mmr system, the community is pure c*ncer shit
im gold 4 with 1 lp rn… I don't wanna go back to silver
How am i supposed to get out of gold when guys like "Hector" are smurfing in my games to make a video guide for others? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
alltho I knew the answers was about wave control, as a main katarina my brain just went roam roaming spin push roam push roam.
Im playing lol for 2 years, i wasnt played ranked before but i started playing rank 1 week ago, now im gold 1, im 2 wins away from platinium i’ll play these maches today wish me luck
as a support main , i climbed from b3 to g4 in less then a week. ( my main elo is silver 3.)
this is what i did.
i started with vision and wave management. setting wards deeper in the jg so they don't even get a chance to gank.
watch your map when you want to do this , have you had vision on jg have you seen there jg path etc, make use of the knowledge you have before you do this.
wave management , what i mean be it is i see my adc back so many times on moments she will miss at least 2 waves.
what i would do is get the minion agro and walk up to freez the wave and last hit, is it risk free? no but your adc with proper farming can get around 150 gold from those action's , twice a game is 300.
that's handing ur adc 2 kills or boots.
if you do have moments that you cant support yet you walk around in auto pilot not doing anything.
just deep ward , reset , join the carry of the team ( laner) and move with jg around obj for example a cheap bush moment before drake.
don't go into auto pilot watch the map , you don't have to be on bot the whole game, go mid go top find a way to make a freebie and keep the carry's going and alive.
after all i recommend engage support , thresh blitz pyke leo naut. why? because we can see a overstep faster then ur adc , with a hook or a hard engage like leo e you can punish it very very very hard.
as of right now i went 18/2 this week in my games and have a win rate of 87.5% on my main champ ( Leona) over 40 games this ss.
good luck supports 👌
I swear Gold Players are like Bronze players. Silvers are better than them!
but no matter what i wouldve done 99% of the games enemy jungler dives me or ganks me as many times as possible meanwhile my team is measuring whos got the biggest c0k and doing nothing:D
If only these guys could figure out how to do a monthly subscription instead of an annual subscription one they'd have a shit ton more subs.
bro just called faker a no life player 😭
You guys honestly make some awesome videos. I think I'm actually gunna sign up for skill capped.
If I wanted to get out of gold, I would have to start playing Ranked first 😅
If only Hector can fucking speak louder
in my elo, the kassadin would try to kill leblanc and die
Been playing LoL for 10+ years, read every guide that has been written about this game, and still I got all the questions he asked wrong. The whole premise of the video is that the decisions aren't that hard, and that we are potenitally able to make them, but we need to be more confident to do those. But what to do when you don't even know facts that are so simple that are taken for granted in a video addressed to gold players? And it's not lack of experience because I've been playing since S2 and have spent 10 years reading all kinds of guides: last hitting, wave management, vision, macro game, micro game, trading patterns, champion specific guides, roaming, literally everything. I know how the game works, yet I make the wrong choices even when I'm not playing and have all the time in the world to make them.
"You are smarter than you think" my ass, my confidence is even lower than before.
Can we please get an app🥺 I’ll subscribe I swear
I Hope this will help me, i was G1 100 lp 12 times this season already
3:28 You don't have the Luxery of thousands of Games of experience… I do have this xD
I dare you to watch my games and tell me i'm the mistake …. literally 4 apes in my games constantly. how am i supposed to face 6/4 morde and 11/5 pantheon as twitch 2v1 bot ?
grea clickbait video tho. I tried skill capped a few season ago…well i got my money back because i'ts just a scam. LoL is just about luck with your teammates at the end …
i lose 3 times btw
I don’t want to escape gold cuz my friends immediately blame me the moment a plat ends up in a normal lobby and proceed to blame the enemy plat for how badly they are doing… if I rank up more, there's no escape, they won't listen to reason
I Am 11 Years Silver and i promise i will Sue you guys for stealing me video idea!!!
do u guys think that all gold elo players play mid and/or leblanc, how is this useful for an engage support player
To clarify, the Orianna play only works if you a) DONT DIE during the skirmish and b) get back to lane in time to catch the wave. Worst case would be to die there while Vlad survives and pushes the massive wave into your tower while you're dead. It cannot be overstated how important it is to not die there. ALternatively you could just stay in lane and punish Vlad by slowly lasthitting the wave OR shove it under his tower if you can do that in time.
I see people roam all the time while a wave pushes to them, but they always end up in teamfights, die or recall and return to their lane waaaay too late.
Get me out of silver first