My First Time Reaction to World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer CATACLYSM and the first ever WoW cinematic and THESE were so freaking EPIC I already want more! Here is my first time reaction!
World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer:
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer:
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World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematics Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematic Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematic World of Warcraft Trailer World of Warcraft Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematics WoW World of Warcraft Cataclysm Reaction World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cataclysm Trailer World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic World of Warcraft World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematics Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematic Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematic World of Warcraft Trailer World of Warcraft Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematics WoW World of Warcraft Cataclysm Reaction World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cataclysm Trailer World of Warcraft Cataclysm Cinematic World of Warcraft World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cinematic Trailer Reaction World of Warcraft Cinematic Trailer
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OG vanilla WoW trailer still makes me tear up a little, even to this day. I've played all of the expancions since 2005 but this one just hits differently…Blizzard was just magical back then!
How do we kill it? Laser beams
The title says "REACTING to Cataclysm" but you are reacting from Vanilla AND cataclysm which is more than just cataclysm, you should change the title IMO (should have done all the cinematics in order tho) xD
Its not called CATACLYSM for nothing^^ They really tore the world apart with that expansion or, more accourat: Deathwing, thats his name, did. Parts got underwater, a grand canyon tore an area into two parts, the dam broke and the lake behind it was gone….yeah everything was different after his break-out.
Flash facts for WoW lore:
– Azeroth was built by the Titans.
– Titans were like, we need to build more worlds.
– Titans created the Dragon Aspects to help preserve Azeroth from various threats like the elemental lords, the old gods etc. and then left.
– One of the Dragon Aspects was assigned to guard the prison of one of those old gods.
– Said old gold whispered sweet things to him and he betrayed the rest of the Dragon Aspects.
– Meanwhile, The War of the Ancients is happening, which is basically the first attempt of The Burning Legion(the nasty demons) to invade Azeroth.
– Fast forward to the present and the Cataclysm cinematic.
Here we see the Dragon Aspect who betrayed the other ones, trying to stay still while his subordinates try to put on him armor that keeps his body from literally falling apart. He is overflowing with energy and his body can not handle it.
2nd comment for a short crash course of deathwing (dragon)'s lore. Ages ago (rouhly 25k years) titans (deities) empowered 5 dragons as aspects, giving them demigod like powers and giving each of them a charge. Red dragons guard life, green dragons guard a life realm called emerald dream, bronze dragons guard the timeline itself, blue dragons tend to arcane magic, and black dragon are the warders of the earth. They control earth, tectonic plates all that.
However it comes with a burden, the dragon in the cinematic constantly felt ALL the weight of the world upon his shoulders. Beneath teh ground are also creatures named old gods chained down a long time ago by titans, due to dragons connection to earth he was suseptible to them and in time got corrupted and further empowered by those dark gods. Power was so much in fact it started to tear his dragon body apart, hence they had to IMPALE armor pieces on him to keep his body from falling apart. That is why his LITERAL pain effects the world and causes a lot natural disaster, tsunami due to earthquakes etc.
Played from the beginning until about halfway through Cataclysm. The game became far too casual for me.
That thing counts as TWO boss battles. At first BEFORE the boss battles, other 4 dragon 'aspects' (leaders) aid a main char to shoot a beam to rip off a SINGLE plate from his back. Adventurers chase him down WHILEHE IS FLYING. And land on to his back trying to rip off the plating by attacking the tendons that hold the platings. All the while his very BLOOD manifests into laval elementals and try to kill you, he also barel rolls to shake you off, which one shots players. Once his armor platings are ripped off he gets flung into a massive maelstorm at the middle of the ocean but he refuses to die…In that last boss battle other 4 dragon aspects hepl you out, while all the players assault him, and try to keep him occupied. Last hit is done by the other aspects and an npc who was charging a super weapon while we were keeping him occupied. It was an epic fight.
I wasn't there on release in 2004, but I started playing around 2006 a few months before the first expansion came out, so when The Burning Crusade released my young teen self was through the roof with excitement.
I have played wow since release till the end of BFA and these cut-scenes and cinematics still give me tingles
14? That first cinematic is 20 years old! Imagine that cinematic quality in 2004! That was blizzard, that was quality, that was love.
Started WoW during beta and moved over from EverQuest when it launched. It was pretty epic.
I bought this game on release day and I have no regrets, still I was in highschool and now I have 5 kids loll this was some time ago 😛
i heard the word 'cataclysm' first when Kurama from naruto first said it in the war arc while fighting the ten tails
As a 15 year WoW vet the original cinematic one something on release. almost nothing cinematic out at that time for gamers was so well crafted, and it blew us away. Even by todays standards it holds up very well.
There were 3 games with DLC before WoW warcraft 1-3. The dragon you saw was Deathwing and is actually a secondary antagonist in warcraft 2. What you just saw was his return 14 YEARS later after being defeated in the earlier games he healed and then caused huge disasters before attacking us directly. WoW had way of preparing you for the next expansion by having events take place before the next drop. Cataclysm did so by completely destroying the landscape of the world map in several places, Including the massive flooding of that tidal wave.
To give you a little context my Luke, yes, this is one of my favorite trailers for the video game, and more than anything it is because of the lore of this mad dragon.
Deathwing was a Dragon Aspect, his previous name was Neltharion, his role was to protect the earth (also the underground areas) of Azeroth, the planet where most of this video game's stories take place. But since its area of dominion was the underground, it was little by little corrupted by the ancient gods, malformed beings with tentacles and eyes (very much in the style of Lovecraftian monsters) who dominated Azeroth before the arrival of the Titans (we could say that they are gods who they gave powers to the dragons to protect the planet in the name of them). One of the old gods, N'zoth, corrupted the dragon, and it began to feel such power from the void (a cosmic force that the old gods have), that the dragon's body began to be disfigured by such an amount of corruption, so in The trailer shows that his cultists (worshippers of the ancient gods and now of this corrupt dragon) put steel giant nails and metal plates in the dragon's body, so that its flesh, magma and corruption of the void do not "scatter." (we can see this when the dragon takes flight, the chest of this dragon is open, and you can see the manga inside its entrails.), was such the corruption of the Dragon that he went crazy and became one of the most powerful villains in the history of Warcraft, and villain of that expansion.
This dragon was so powerful that it literally changed the world of Azeroth, as shown in the video: it raised tidal waves in many areas, it destroyed mountains and mountain ranges, the continents literally split, many islands fragmented, sank and many other territories that were below the water came to the surface due to the change that occurred on the land and in the seas when this dragon was released.
– The name of the video's soundtrack is Xaxas, which in the night elvish language means destruction or Chaos. –
I summarized the story too much, I omitted many things, but that is the core, we could say, if I missed something, I'm sorry, lovers of Warcraft lore.
I really love your video reaction, but this one is one of my favorites!
I was there when it released, I was 15 years old at the time and it was an epic journey. I spent a good 10 years on World of Warcraft played through the original game and 5 expansions. Made so many friends some I still have 10 years after I stopped playing, I even met my girlfriend in the game and we're still together. World of Warcraft is soon 20 years old. I don't like and enjoy the game anymore, but I don't think any other game will be more epic than it was at the time for me.
The dragon in the cinematic was once known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder, leader of the Black Dragonflight. He was part of the Dragon Aspects, 5 ancient dragons empowered by Titans, each with different power over Azeroth. As his tittle suggest, Neltharion had dominion over Azeroth's earth and everything it contained. Including a very dark secret which was Neltharion's doom. When Titans arrived on Azeroth, the planet was invested with Old Gods and their minions, a dark being of madness and corruption. Titans declared war on those being and defeated them but the couldn't get rid of Old Gods without killing Azeroth in the process so the locked them in prisons deep underground. When Neltharion became the Ascpect of Earth, he immediately started hearing voices of Old Gods, which have driven him mad over the centuries. During the period known as War of the Ancients, Burning Legion invaded Azeroth for the first time and during that time Neltharion invented a plan to destroy demons with an artefact of his creation called Dragon Soul which contained power from all dragons under Dragon Aspects. Unkown to them, the artefact was also a curse which was able to control every dragon that gave up their power into it. Neltharion plan was to cleanse entire world from living beings with the power of his artefact. Ultimately he lost control over Dragon Soul as its energy started to rip his body apart and fleed into his domain inside the earth where his slaves had to put armor on his crumbling body. At the same time, the remaining Dragon Aspects renamed him to Deathwing, Aspect of Death. After 10 thousand years of madness and scheming with the Old Gods, Deathwing is ready to break the world for the last time and become the Cataclysm
Its a short summary with many details omitted but yeah, this is the tragic story of the bravest dragon who turned evil
I am pretty sure, the dragon is responsible for creating that tidal wave, just by existing and moving around underground, he created an earthquake and reshaped the world.
You should check out the Diablo 4 cinematics next.
The first cinematic is 20 years old.. watching that in that time cannot be described in words, specially if you knew the Lore from previous games/books and they show you that you can be in that world of legends as yourself and not only seeing it through the stories of the main characters, you can grow stronger, talk to those main characters and even fight them… now imagine you're a kid/teenager watching that.
Not only is that fiery thing his bro, if you see those "falling stars" on the background, it is more of infernal demons being summoned by this warlock
ngl whenever i see the dwarf at the start of wows first cinematic and the music kicks in i get goosebumps for the time and hell even now it just amazes me. takes me back to the days when i used to play at my gfs house with her parents ( they got me into it as funny as that is). as much as there's controversy in wow today no one can say the art and cinematic team have missed a beat in the last 20 years.
I don't sure but maybe there was some video clips with all boss battles from WoW just to show how this fights go.
I remember healing on that barrel-rolling bastard dragon's back fight 🙂🙃🙂
funny how you think your cooked. Cause if you were in the zone when he came. You insta died and got an achievement
Heh battle with Deathwing was one of the greatest battle in size.
I played wow from 1.3.1 version. Of was great. But sadly last 3 addons break little by little all good what was in game(
I didnt experience the trailer myself, since the first part since I was born in '01 soo… baby back then.
My parents however did and they said that for a trailer this realistic back then was something so unique that for a while they couldnt think of anything becoming better. They played until Wrath of the Lich King, I started to play in Legion
the first cinematic always give me goosebumps nostalgia + the fact that i's so good. 🔥🔥🔥 I felt the trailer on launch with my dad I was a little kid. And the effect it has on me in insane
During the prelude to the Cataclysm expansion Deathwing would literally fly overhead randomly through the world. He changed the landscape when the trailer was released and if you were unlucky enough to be in the area at the time you would literally die without any idea what was going on.
Cataclysm was one of the major updates, you should check the WOW map before and after Cataclysm so you can have a better idea of the damage made by the title wave and destruction
Whenever this game came out I went nuts in my room after installing the game in 5 different CD's and getting to see that cinematic opening the game for the first time
used to be a great game, now you just buy levels
World of warcraft is 20 years old
about the cataclysm trailer: this expansion in particular REALLY lives up to its name. Because there´s a bit more to it than just "new stuff". Do note, that i heavily simplify this aspect, and some inaccuracies may be part of it, but it´s easier to explain this way.
First of all, a bit of lore you need to know. In Azeroth, there exist multiple different "races" of dragons, with some of them inheriting an "aspect". They´re basically the leaders of the different dragon tribes, that inherited an "aspect" from the titans.
one of those aspects was Neltharion the earth-warder, who inherited the aspect of earth. However, he turned against the other aspects, abandoning his title in favor of becoming the aspect of death.
He was believed dead by many, but after the fall of the Lich King (which was from the previous expansion "Wrath of the Lich King", which trailer you already watched), he spectacularily emerged from the depths of Azeroth, leaving only devastation behind (as you can see in the trailer). As he has become the aspect of death, he changed his name to "Deathwing".
this also had massive consequences on the game's world. Former jungles turned into wastelands, the desert of "thousand needles" became flooded, and the entire area of the barrens got horizontally split in half. Ths also meant: basically all of the original maps got changed in at least some way (which Blizzard used to update them to a higher graphical standard at the time). So yeah, the emerging of deathwing literally resulted in a cataclyctic event that devastated basically the ENTIRE original map of Azeroth, and left almost no stone unturned.
About "how do you kill THAT thing": well, he is STILL a dragon aspect after all. Such a thing as "immortality" doesn´t exist. And we also already killed the Lich King, which is undead. But it took a LOT of effort for the players to kill him, including the former leader of the horde "Thrall", the "dragonsoul" (or rather, the demon soul, an artifact created by deathwing himself that can not only destroy, but also enslave dragons). our protagonists recovered it through the cavern of time, and used it to ultimately defeat deathwing in the final raid of the expansion.
But yeah, had the former shaman-leader of the horde, thrall, not recovered teh dragonsoul, it would have been game over for all of azeroth. fun-fact: Thrall used to be the the warlord (aka, the leader or "king" ) of the horde up until before cataclysm, but left the leadership to a successor in order to fulfill his duty as the "world shaman" (his profession is literally shaman even before he became the horde warlord). he gave leadership to garrosh hellscream, the son of one of his former allies grommash hellscream. So with the release of cataclysm, the horde players actually "lost" a beloved faction leader that never became warlord again. and grommash….. let´s say, he was not that likeable and peaceful as thrall has ever been.
about what happened in the cave: becoming the aspect of death, neltharion/deathwing suffered a big problem: his body was falling apart. the solution to this is what we see in the trailer: his body is LITERALLY kept together by his armor. remove the armor, he falls apart. and since he has become the aspect of death, well, he doesn´t care in the slightest about killing of anyone.
the tidal wave was one of the many consequences of deathwing literalyl breaking through the surface of azeroth. he has been underground for a long long time. imagine it as detonating a gigantic nuke, somewhere in the earth below the sea, and then a burning dragon emerges setting everythign on fire. it´s DEVASTATING.
It took all of the power of the 4 remaining dragon aspects (probably the most powerful entities in the world at the time) AND an entire raid-party (10/25 players) AND Thrall with the dragonsoul to take him down for good. that is lore-wise the most powerful beings you could imagine working together to take him down. and yet, the damage to the world was already done. the players were completely unable to prevent any damage, they could only stop him from completely destroying the entire world
I have been playing WOW since 2007, My favorite is Wrath of the Lich King, and Mists of Pandaria.
Why all those disasters?
Ok, long story short:
-WoW dragons are divided in dragonflights, based on their color, and each dragonflight rules/watches over a certain aspect of reality
-the black dragonflight rules over earth/environment
-the black dragonflight gets corrupted and turns evil
-Deathwing is the lord of the black dragonflight
-when Deathwing is angy, so is the earth/environment, manifesting in natural disasters
I experienced the launch and I still get goosebumps every time I see this! I'm 61 years old and it will be 20 years I've played in November of this year. The game has had its ups and downs over the years and i've played other games but I ALWAYS come back home to Wow 🙂 Thanks for all of your reactions!