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Pointless Top 10: Statues in World of Warcraft

Pointless Top 10: Statues in World of Warcraft
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  1. My thoughts on the portal statues is that it's Guldan mocking Draenei statues and structures. As far as the two human statues in the dungeon they are: one of the many statues of Daelin Proudmoore (if you look at newer versions you'll really see it) and a copy of the statue of Turalyon (the kind of hard to miss statue at the front of Stormwind).

  2. The Watcher statues next to the Dark Portal, and you can find them also in Nagrand (Twilight Ridge) and Caverns of Time, and more places. They were confirmed in Shadowlands when I played the Revendreth storyline, that they are the Nathrezim a.k.a Dreadlords. They were the ones to inspire or persuaded Sargeras to make the Burning Legion, and they are the Watchers. Hooded because they don't wan't to be recognized as creatures from the realm of death.

  3. Oof… got the blue proto on my first clear when it came out… then again. I also got the headless horseman mount the my first time…. husband is mad. He just got the headless horseman mount this year after grinding for so long… still no blue proto.

  4. My only complaint is that if you bothered to put the statue of Janeiro on the list, you should have shown what it looked it like pre-Cataclysm. Nowadays the only way you can see it (short of playing Classic) is in the Cataclysm cinematic, which I honestly think is the best one they've done so far.

  5. Crendor complaining about people telling him he left stuff out of his lists while at the same time ending all of these asking us to tell him what we thought should be on the list is the funniest thing I've seen/heard all day

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