Pointless Top 10: Statues in World of Warcraft
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#crendor #worldofwarcraft #warcraft
My thoughts on the portal statues is that it's Guldan mocking Draenei statues and structures. As far as the two human statues in the dungeon they are: one of the many statues of Daelin Proudmoore (if you look at newer versions you'll really see it) and a copy of the statue of Turalyon (the kind of hard to miss statue at the front of Stormwind).
Wasn't it said in Shadowland that the hooded statues are the death vampire guys?
A pick for me would be the statues holding the chains in the Black Rock Mountain where Molten Core is. They are holding that hunk of rock in the air by the chains
Is the aerie peak statue actually a statue since its actually a modelled aviary ?
not meaning it to be ….. somehow offend oyu but omentally I don't know how to write it otherwise…my dude discovered game version of real life meaning of art or architecture 😀
I got the blue proto drake out of a tank bag a decade or so ago. I hadn't even started farming UP for it, and they just give me the thing for free.
The Watcher statues next to the Dark Portal, and you can find them also in Nagrand (Twilight Ridge) and Caverns of Time, and more places. They were confirmed in Shadowlands when I played the Revendreth storyline, that they are the Nathrezim a.k.a Dreadlords. They were the ones to inspire or persuaded Sargeras to make the Burning Legion, and they are the Watchers. Hooded because they don't wan't to be recognized as creatures from the realm of death.
I got my blue proto-drake in Wrath lol
I demand that Blizzard adds Guther and lets us meet him in the next expansion
The council of mystery and shadows petrifyed to forever guard the mysterys of this world of warcraft.
Oh and also their leader W.o. Warcraft themself.
Is there a thing in the tresureroom for each race?
The explanation for pointless top 10 list is pointless on of it's own.
My question is why did this one take so long
How did I quest for hundreds of hours in the loch modan archaeology dig (shut up, I died a lot) and never see the Statue of Liberty?!
the "scarlet monastery priest" looks like Jainas father
The broke n dragon statue in Wintergrasp is actually an unused Beta Dragon Isles asset from waaaaay back when it was gonna be a zone/battleground in… iirc vanilla?
The darnassus bank tree.
Oof… got the blue proto on my first clear when it came out… then again. I also got the headless horseman mount the my first time…. husband is mad. He just got the headless horseman mount this year after grinding for so long… still no blue proto.
A fun or weird thing about the Dark Portal is the colour inside it wasn’t always the same.
12:53 maybe the true pointless things were the friends we made a long the way
I thought the pirate guy in Utgarde Pinnacle was meant to be Daelin Proudmoore.
Oh the Dark Portal statues… Nostalgia!
I was about to ask about the name "pointless". now I know x3
I’ve played on Anvilmar server my entire 17 years playing this game 🙂
My only complaint is that if you bothered to put the statue of Janeiro on the list, you should have shown what it looked it like pre-Cataclysm. Nowadays the only way you can see it (short of playing Classic) is in the Cataclysm cinematic, which I honestly think is the best one they've done so far.
Crendor complaining about people telling him he left stuff out of his lists while at the same time ending all of these asking us to tell him what we thought should be on the list is the funniest thing I've seen/heard all day
I expcted number 1 or 2 to be big head of Gallywix in Azshara with his "penthouse" on top.
Maybe the most pointless statues were the friends we made along the way
The guy you thought was a priest is Daelin Proudmoore, Jaina’s dad from WC3.