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Gameplay, Vanguard & More | Dev Update – League of Legends

Riot Brightmoon and Pupulasers talk about Vanguard, bot AI, and skins. Phroxzon reflects on the removal of Preseason, the gameplay changes, and discusses the seeding of new players and negative LP gains in Ranked.

For more info on the bot AI check out the blog:
For more info on skins check out the blog:
For a condensed version of this video check out the TL;DW:

Intro: 0:00
Gameplay: 0:35
Vanguard: 2:47
Bots: 3:28
Skins: 3:44
Outro: 4:13

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  1. I know I'm late but I was going to fire up league for the first time in about 6 months. But then I found out about Vanguard and decided to completely uninstall. It'd be foolish to completely trust any corporation with your machine. Especially a corporation that suffered data breaches in the past. Or is owned by Tencent and by proxy China. This level of anticheat is completely disproportionate to the number or severity of cheaters in league. Its the equivalent of being put in handcuffs and escorted by a cop 24/7 because I might commit a crime.
    Thanks for the almost 15 years Riot.

  2. บัพแท้งไรนักหนา ในอารามอีกบยืนคนเดียวตีไม่ลง เล่นเกมตัวเองมั่งป่ะ

  3. dejemos de jugar esta basura de juego y ya esta en unas semanas sacan la mierda de vanguard y vuelven las antiguas maestrias , quien carajos tuvo estas brillantes ideas de hacer el juego una completa basura ?

  4. We understand you want to stop cheaters from ruining the game. But making players instal an app and not even be possible to play the game will bring this game to the bottom. Been playing for more than 10 years but this is my time to find something better.

  5. I was played league on nvidia geforce now because i dont have a gaming pc and with geforce now i played league with high fps and low ping. But this vanguard dont allow virtual machines so now we cant play league on cloud gaming platforms. I liket the game a lot but i need to quit because of that.

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