The Analytical Mind of Archimonde World of Warcraft | Rant
Archimonde isn’t some punching bag for you to kill for 30 gold after acquiring 10 stacks of determination in LFR. He is a master strategist and the left hand of Sargeras himself. This video will cover why I think Archimonde needs a better spotlight in-game.
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Music provided by Epidemic Sounds
(I do not own the music in this video.) No copyright infringement intended.
This. And this trend continued well into legion and even BfA.
Random 10/25 nobodies literally murdering titans and old gods. What a joke.
Krucial I don't know if you actually noticed but your actually a pretty funny dude keep up your awesome wow videos. don't worry I know for a fact they wouldn't kill archimonde that quickly I reckon its all a trick
Die by fall damage? Heh im a mage
Archimonde can destroy planets with his own magic
me hubiera gustado que archi destruyera draenor.. y tengamos que huir, eso uniria a la alianza y horda contra la legion en "legion" y no endriamos la catastrofe de BFA… pero blizzard despidio a todos los buenos escritores a estas alturas
i would liked more that archi destroy draenor, and we had to run away, that unite the aliance and horde against the legion in legion.. and we never end up having this catastrophy of BFA, but blizz fired all good writers.. at that point
archimonde was only a LEGEND in wc3 he took the L in wow
The problem is he's a demon and demons in WC lore always overestimate their abilities and underestimate their enemies.
You would think, though, they would write Archimonde to be an exception to this somewhat newly formed rule. Keep in mind that WoD was rushed and cut short early, though, so Archimonde was not the only person jipped during that expansion. The players were, as well.
Maybe He should have been some kind of massive world Boss. And whole server would have to fight against him.
So he is a sith lord?
Great job sir <3
BfA, Legion, Pandaria & Warlords of Dreanor is one Big MESS 🙁 And ppl are wondering why WoW dont show amount of active players from WOTLK or Cata
I don't have that much a problem about how he has been defeated in WoD, but when he was defeated back in the War of the Ancients raid, I've heard some guys saying that he was a weak-ass boss…this is really insulting, he was literally a random dungeon boss there, making him defeated repetitively that way is garbage
…Now in WoD, I won't have a popular opinion, but I don't fully agree, because the adventurers are supposed to get stronger and stronger, Arthas defeated the heroes indeed, and Archimonde is even stronger, but it was 3 expansions ago, the adventurers never ceases to get stronger and they have even beaten Kil'Jeaden now. The thing is that the Final Bosses becomes stronger and stronger and we just can't stay and keep beating guys like Garrosh or Illidan, there are really strong opponents in the future expansions, and there is a luck that we'll someday go against an Old God or an equivalent in one of the last expansions, if we cannot defeat the Eredar twins, then we could never even hope to defeat even one Old God.
the fun fack.. when you are against him on warcraft 3.. you only kill 7 demons.. and some infernals.. while in the war of the ancients.. he had all a bunch of demons including hakkar and his fell hounds.. and manoroth… maybe the undead were good in warcraft 3 but those armies are imposible to compare… -.- and malfurion cheets.. as allways
Ahhh Hellscream 🙂 . The blizz guys are amazing
Archimonde could return and stuff(to redeem WoD). I enjoyed the xpansion
New blizzard doesn't respect the old lore
I love your voice haha😍😍😍
LFR makes bosses feel trivial. If the raiding system was like in the first years of wow, Archimonde's fight could be the last and hardest, end of story.
It's dumb how Archimonde on ez mode, is easier than a random warlord from draenor in a harder difficulty. It completely ruins the epic feeling of the possibility of facing Archimonde. Knowing that any random noobs will get to do it anyway, and that it'll be easier than the first boss of the expansion on mythic.
If only the best raiders could go and fight him (not as brutal of a difficulty as nax40 but something similiar), that would make the mention of his name and the idea of fighting him actually interesting.
The reason im interested in the recently announced classic wow, is the raid progression among other things. Actually working your way up the raids and bosses just makes the encounters special.
WoW fucking up lore and characters from Warcraft III? No, sureeely not? They'd never do that….
Archimonde's "genius tactics" are pretty much the most basic military tactics ever. He must have fought the dumbest of enemies for 15 thousand years to never fail.
Well he is a ranged dps being a lock and all and didn't even had a staff. did a lot of auto attacks but maybe his high spells had him oom a lot, and it's not like he had any healers. I'm pretty sure is little brother logged on and found the que button.
in lore and warcraft 3 Archimonde was more badass than in WOD
The problem with Warlords of Draenor was that it was too damned short. Basically, the developers gave up on it and cut it short which ruined it for me. They should've had an additional patch before the big battle against Archimonde where we go to the zone that became the Netherstorm in the original timeline and battle the New Fel Horde's forces who're backed by numerous demons led by Tichondrious /the head Dreadlord/ and Magtheridon /the Pit Lord that ended up in charge of Outland in the original timeline/.
As for Archimonde himself, he should've been given a better death in WoD. Have him about to crush the players only for Grom Hellscreamm, Durotan, Khadgar and other great heroes show up to turn the tide PLUS have the Naaru cast some sort of spell to bolster everyone's fighting abilities while weakening Archimonde. That way, Archimonde's defeat can be explained in a way that makes sense.
The thing you could explain in lore why Archimond is some what weaker in wod than in w3, w3 we need the book of mediv to summon him but in wod Guldan just Summonds him what makes me believe that because of this he is weaker in Draenor, Guldan only summons a part of his power not his full strength like in w3
do the same for Kiljaeden plz
You should make a playlist of all the videos u have blizzard in, i.e the guys with the robes 😀
i know right
Azeoth should not have survived this far..
Not to compare reality to wow but Archimonde's mind crush wouldn't work on am army with good discipline, like the armies of Sun Jian in China.
I feel like Archimonde isn't actually dead dead. Even if people swear up and down we killed in the Nether, remember NO WHERE in game does it actually say we offically killed HIM. Or matter of a fact in any novels that I'm aware of. Thus this makes is slightly more confusing because for all we know maybe he didn't actually show up and sent someone in a guise of him or even to the point where it was just a fucking clone of him.
I heared, that Hellscream should've been the final boss in draenor and Blizzard had no plans to reuse Archimonde again, but for some reasons (someone stole their money? new game development? etc) they gave us a shit on a shovel to eat.
At least Kil'jaeden is more strong than Archimonde :))
Imagine if Kil'Jaeden simply made one of those sand castle versions of Dalaran and destroyed it like Archimonde did?
'Tremble mortals! Death has come." – Archimonde, warcraft 3
I mean dude, I couldn't agree with this more. I thought archimonde was a shit fight, I mean come on… how much weaker did they made him, and now we're supposedly going to be able to kill Jaedan? no freaking way, what is Blizzard thinking?
I mean we went from freaking fighting Garrosh to killing the 3rd in command of the freaking legion? wtf? and then we kill jaedan? what next kill all the corrupted titans? oh wait yes we will…
Just…thank you
that was really good. Playing WoW i have thought of Archimonde as a push over; of sorts, but after learning more of the lore I realize he is sooooo much more.. Thanks again for the video, and keep WoW'ing!
we looked like ants compared to archimonde still dont understand how we killed him with brute force
0:10 What is disturbing about that? No, really, every youtuber makes a joke like this whenever they have a chance. Is this just a joke, or do people actually think that this is "disturbing"?
I agree, Blizzard fucked the lore in WOW. The Burning Legion were badass in Warcraft 3 but they've been reduced to cannon fodder in WOW.
Kil'jaeden just suffered the same fate.