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NEW Endgame Content For ALL Players, Big Class Buffs & Prepatch Release Date Confirmed!

The War Within prepatch is almost here, there are some big class changes to go over, and we have a clearer picture of how end game will work in the new expansion, with a lot of new options for solo content or world content focused players.

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Timestamps –
00:00 – Prepatch is almost here
00:45 – The Most Important Prepatch Ever?
03:31 – New End Game Content for ALL Players
06:57 – ANOTHER new mythic+ affix
08:18 – Big Changes for Healing
08:51 – Big class changes, buffs & nerfs

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  1. Ok did I anger you Kelani? I dont think I have ever said a bad word about your content but for some reason I keep getting unsubbed and Its not me. Not sure if thats happening to others or if you are aware but I have resubbed like 4 times this year already. At anyrate I can hardly wait for this xpac for some reason. Im loving the character select screen I just wish you could have more then 4 characters.

  2. I wonder how this expansion will be for people that only play one character. Also anyone know if the prepatch event can be done at level 60+ or something, to level alts to 70?

  3. I stopped playing wow because of Dragonflight got me bored, I said I'll never touch the game again but I guess I'll comeback once the pre-patch is out, character login always bored me and I have ever found it old and pretty much ugly, plus the warbands are really cool for transmogs, it's going to change a lot into the game and I love it, thank you so much for the video Kelani !

  4. I am actually interested in all the new solo options. Not because I am anti social but mostly because I don't have that much time to play because of work. So I don't have to feel guilty when I can't play for a week or worry about falling behind with my guild. Now I can play at my own pace 😊

  5. I want to say somethings here since Blizzard like to locks up this conversation in forum about Early Access .

    What Blizzard is doing wrong for as Early Access is to let players get ahead of everyone else for 4 days . Which is hitting level cap , doing most of the quests , doing or getting ready to do H Dungeons , getting ahead in professions , and more …. This is truly unfair to rest of the players who didn't buy the $90 expansion.

  6. Yo, I have noticed that the new "World" tab replaces the PvP one for the weekly vault. Does the PvP one still exist or did it get completely removed? Would be extremely sad if so, but I have never seen a statement on that before.

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