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I’m Not Sure Phase 4 Is Enough To Bring Me Back… | Season of Discovery | WoW Classic

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So Phase 4 has been out for about a week or so and it’s the first new classic release where I havn’t really been feeling it in a long time.
Today I go over what are some of my problems with Season of Discovery heading into phase 4. At the end of the day i’ll still be giving it a go, albeit very casually, but just don’t see it as something i’ll play the whole way through.
This is why I’m Not Sure Phase 4 Is Enough To Bring Me Back… | Season of Discovery | WoW Classic

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  2. Let me know when zg drops. I do truly believe the journey is the reward, but on a seasonal server I’m just not super interested in the grinds necessary to be raid ready for mc

  3. As someone who played the Entirety of P1, P2, and half of P3, I really have 0 motivation to do P4. I mained a S-priest and when I saw there was only ONE rune that was cool in this new phase, I was like nah….

  4. I think what alot of people who play the game all the time don't seem to grasp about the bonus xp and similar things like the tbc level boost is you don't realise simply how many players only play because of these things, I'm guilty of being a tbc boostie, I had other things todo but played tbc as a kid and wanted to come back and same with sod, I'm sure I'm not alone in this. People argue that these players are flimsy or not real players but I was top 20 warlock eu and 50 world in sod s1 (I know it's joke raid but I went all in even still) and also was in top raiding guild of my server in tbc, I know these probably come off as a flex but my main point is some people want to get to the end game with there friends in a reasonable amount of time, we're brain rotted and want it faster, and we all know wow is at its worst when people aren't playing it, I write this because I feel the major downfall of games is when it's content creators talk poorly on it, it completely killed overwatch 2, that game was fun at the start, but it's content creators constantly talking bad on it killed it. I type this mainly for Willie, if you want Wow to come back and be fun talk more about what you love about it and players will get that feeling we all get when we think about coming back to wow. I love your content and hope this doesn't come off as a rude comment

  5. The BRM event just seems…. insane. Why would you actively INCENTIVICE people ganking in the main PVE area? Surely do the event anywhere else in the world to avoid the issue?

  6. I keep hearing that cata heroic is not mythic… it literally is.. they renamed heroic mythic, that's all. you might think they are easier but that's the tuning and fact that you know the fights already.

  7. As someone who never had the time to do level 60 stuff in classic before, im still interested.

    The levelling is surely a major downside. Low 40s to mid 50s is BY FAR the worst stretch in Vanilla.

    They should just give people the old runes fro the vendor. Why do i have to wait to 60 to solo SM qith my pally to get the Sheath of Light rune? Theres no groups for that content anymore lol

  8. Faster leveling doesnt fit into a vanilla experience. Thats why season of discovery isnt classic plus, its retail minus. Also it sounds like willie burned himself out on it

  9. The xp buff is great for rerolling and rounding out your roster. Several of our officers rerolled for ease of logistics- leaving behind their phase bis toons. They dinged 50 the night before phase 4 released.

  10. I skipped most of p2 and p3 and im having a blast. playing one character and planning to raid on it. the only thing i feel i missed out on is the gold I could have made coming up but t he 300% gold incvrease is nice

  11. P4 SOD is probably my favorite wow experience good or bad I really like world pvp “coming from alliance lone wolf player” the tune system is very fun and some quest send you all around the world. I think they need to add more but the pvp content keeps me around it’s very fun imo

  12. Cata is where it’s at tbh, I think sod is for people who just don’t like handling more than 2 Mechanics at once. I think I would be more intrigued to play sod again if there wasn’t world buffs that shit is like a job I don’t wanna be obligated to have to get them all.

  13. Blizzard speeding things up and not giving it time – it's the biggest reason every time Blizzard lost me. That and devaluing everything you achieved and acquired previously with every addon.
    Classic was great. Until Naxx. Why make a game your job and deal with all the tryharding and drama, when TBC is around the corner? Yeah, nope.
    An MMORPG should be a marathon, not a sprint

  14. I gave them 2 phases to make rogue tank not total ass. Seems they have no interest in allowing us to tank trash packs. If I'm just gonna be a DPS I'll just play Cata where shamans don't delete me just by existing in my general vicinity

  15. This is the problem with Classic and any version of WoW:
    – Some love the leveling experience, with questing, story etc, don't care much for end game
    – Some love only endgame, aka the game BEGINS at max level (me included), hates leveling
    So it becomes exceptionally hard to please both groups

  16. I played phase 1 and had some of the most fun I've ever had in Classic. When I hit 25 and started raiding I repeatedly joined with the angriest players I've played with since MW2. I went back for phase 2 and nobody cool was still playing. Bummer city

  17. I started playing SoD at the end of Phase 3 and I've had a blast so far.
    I'm playing it very casually, I haven't raided in SoD and I'm not planning to (got enough of raiding in 2019 re-release).
    So I'm just running around, exploring new runes, quests and talking to people in dungeons.
    I feel like I'm still playing good old Classic, but with a set of new skills, a different play style (tanking as a Warlock) and some new fun things to do.

    I'm on a EU PvE server Wild Growth and though I stumbled into some toxic guys, 90% of the people are very nice and chill, that's a big improvement compared to PvP servers.

    Of course, Blizzard could have done a lot more with SoD, I would be excited for new zones, more new dungeons, mechanics, etc.

    I think they're testing the waters to see if there's enough demand for real Classic Plus.

    Fingers crossed they will continue in this direction, because just re-releasing old expansions isn't as exciting for me anymore

  18. SoD was fine as long as they have kept the Classic spirit of it while adding some extras for more fun because the moment that they have decided to go full Retail and turn it into a botched version of Cataclysm then players started to ask themselves why they should play that.

  19. Sadly I haven’t had the time for “endgame” content in quite a while, but I’ll always play every re-release of vanilla for just the server-wide fresh leveling experience. Something about it is just so much fun, even if the character I’m playing has no ultimate goal or endgame in mind.

  20. I will say that I am extremely casual and also agree that the levelling is too fast, but that being said, i had 1 lv 50 and currently 0 lv 60s, because I have a life.

  21. Phase 4 has been amazing. Playing non stop. Pre raid bis grind is imo the greatest part of classic end game. Realms are alive and thriving. It feels great. Great time to be playing especially since molten core is gated til Thursday

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