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Top 10 Rarest Hunter Pets in World of Warcraft – Can You Tame Them All?

Top 10 Rarest Hunter Pets in World of Warcraft – Can You Tame Them All? talks about the rarest and best wow hunter pets that a hunter can obtain. Some are pretty, others are fierce and others are .. well you can fill that in yourself.

Which ones do you own?
Which ones are you missing?

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  1. I was active during the time in WOTLK (and possibly early Cata IIRC?) where glitch-taming was possible. I still have my Oil-stained Wolf with it's cloud of smoke around it (it used to not reflect ANY light but WoW changed its lighting system so it's now more visible); and my Lone Hunter with a sword stuck in its head. I wish I had kept my one other glitch tame, which was an infested bear that kept its' miasma cloud. But because it dealt damage to people, it was the riskiest to be fixed by Blizz. They are 100% the rarest hunter pets in the world now and every expansion they get rarer as less hunters from the WOTLK era who even knew how to glitch tame play. I have never met another hunter with a glitch tame like mine for many years now :/

  2. My Hunter has all the Spirit Beast from Northrend, Loque-nahak, Gondria, Skoll and Arcturis, all tamed back in WotLK ,and the 7 versions of Hati from BfA

  3. My hunter was my original character back in classic and over the years ive got alot of these and im not really a pet collector, lok i genuinely deciced to look for him one night after reading up about him and at about 2am he appeared after looking for around 30 mins, it wasnt till much later i realises how rare and time consuming he can be to find!

  4. So this just happened….I came across this video, started watching it, then thought to myself, " I should go see if I can get Loque-nahak". I've been trying on and off for years but have never found him up while on a hunter…..until just now. I literally just tamed him……thanks for inspiring me to go give it another check.

  5. Loque took me until BFA was out before I was able to finally get it. so like 14-16 years? and I camped it a LOT. The day I was quitting wow. i logged in and Logue was just standing there. But I quit over the sexual suits and Bobby Kocklick still keeping his job.

  6. for me the Number 1 will always be Loque-nahak, back in the Wotlk i saw it, fell in love, changed my spec for it and stayed BM forever. Have every other pet from the video and many many more, but Loque never gets dismissed.

  7. Its really lame that a majority of these are from older expansions, there should be lots of contested and hard to get pets in the newer expansions, they are so fun to do as a hunter and im sad theres not more.

  8. don't forget then porrcupine i memeber had to do so much DMG to tame took two toona back in the day .. i been gone from WoW for long time tho things change

  9. My most rewarding tames we're deth'tilac, skoll, Gib the banana-hoarder, Portent, and Magria. But my favorite pets were the plague hounds. Coolest looks and pvp abilities were the complete package

  10. I remember doing a weird tame to get a ghost wolf with a dagger in its back and a dive to get a silithid with its brain showing. I had some weird ideas of pet collecting back than..

  11. Since 2004 vanilla I have made sure I captured every rare pet even having to abandon lesser rare pets to free up slots. My addiction started with broken tooth and has only gotten worse over the years

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