EA Sports UFC 2
Career (Female Fighter) – Part 2
With Commentary
PS4 Gameplay
1080p 30 FPS
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About EA Sports UFC 2 – Career (Female Fighter):
EA Sports UFC 2 – Career (Female Fighter) Playlist
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzUNBD-xWMd202ulEg3Eo00E0PqyFYX8s
EA Sports UFC 2 is a mixed martial arts fighting video game developed by EA Canada, published by Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is based on the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) brand.
The game’s artificial intelligence accommodates for changes in player strategies mid-game to make the gaming experience more realistic than in previous UFC games. The game also simulates “full body deformation” to connect players with their player-character. New features were introduced. The new Knockout Physics System allows players to knock out opponents dynamically based on finishing hits’ momentum and strength.
The Ultimate Team mode allows players to create not more than five different fighters. Players earn coins after each fight, and these coins can be used for customizing and upgrading the five fighters. The career mode received changes. The most significant of which is the addition of female fighters. Grapple Assist, which is a visual tool that serves as a guide for players, was added to the game.
There is also a KO mode that focuses on strikes instead of grapples or submissions. Submission, grappling, parrying, blocking were improved from the first game. Other features include Custom Event Creator, Title Chase, a multiplayer championship mode, and a practice mode for new players.
Outro Song By:
• https://youtube.com/KnoxHillDMV
About DanQ8000:
Let’s player of all things gaming. New or old, you’ll find it here.
EA Sports UFC 2 – Career (Female) – Let’s Play – Part 2 – “TUF: Intro Fight And Team Selection”
Чё ты орёшь? Первый раз рисованную кровь увидел что-ли?)
i dont like the tatoos
that's one ugly bitch
She not good
The gentle man's daughter taking after her daddy making a mark
I think it would be cool for #former champ Daniel Quinn to turn up
The way he pronounced Yakima was the best!
Me personally , I think that the tattoo on her right arm looks really good , and it should stay on her arm.
I love it you're starting to use takedowns and submissions bc when you were playing as the guy you only kicked and that got pretty boring. But love the vids
Yak i ma like the I in is not yakeema
hate the
Lol Yakima. Its prnounced YAK-UH-MAH
5:35 that's a mmurder
Much better to see your fighter isn't so one dimensional as last time
Can you imagine watching this in SnoopaVision? #GOLD
Make her left arm semitricle to her right one
FATATALI(at 8:05)
Lol Danielle Ho
I don't like it
Dan, your female character is so badass! I'm going to get this game next month.
Yeah, get rid of the right arm sleeve. It doesn't look right at all.
i live in washington, thats not how you pronounce Yakima
Who else can't wait for him to fight Ronda
I do MMA cause my father never loved me so i thought like this he would notice but he still never sneds me a christmas card…
(your character)
It looks like someone painted her arm with oil paint
I would really choose any other tattoos then the one s you have they dont match very well together..! sorry!
You should get rid of the water color tattoo
Hey dan, I've watching your videos regularly after your NBA 2k16 series. Just a suggestion for your channel growth – play more horror games. Maybe do a strawpoll for the subscribers to choose one? Hopefully you'll reach the 1m mark by the end of the year. Good luck!
get rid of the tattoo on the right arm
where is alexis davis?
Hey Dan I love ur videos and I was just wondering will you ever start back up Star Wars the Old Republic?
Good lord,just get on with in.no need for the "blow by blow"
I think you should change the right arm. And maybe put more on her legs or back so it doesnt look plain
So happy that ur keeping this series going
Keep the left tatoo but take off the right one
The Right tat Could Be Better Dan.
If weidmen is ur coach y did the gentlemen the dad knock him out
No right arm tat
change the tatts
What Difficulty are you playing on?
Thanks for all your work, keep em coming…. Love is UFC videos. Peace.
that right arm tattoo is uuuuugggllllyyy